
Новости за 17.04.2021

Ted Cruz: Donald Trump "cannot win a majority" 

Sen. Ted Cruz argues that popular votes do not win presidential nominations, and Donald Trump will not earn a majority of delegates. "I'll use a football analogy," he added. "If you're on the 30 yard line it's not a touchdown."

Lindsey Graham: "Donald Trump's nationalism will lead to another 9/11" 

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, has a message for his Republican friends and colleagues: "Distance yourself as much as you can from Donald Trump because he's toxic for conservatism." The South Carolina senator backs Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who he feels can end the GOP's "civil war."

Full interview: Bernie Sanders, May1 

Democratic presidential candidate and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders sat down with CBS' "Face the Nation" to discuss what his future in the primary race looks like. The interview aired May 1, 2016.

Cruz: Trump and Clinton are "flip sides of the same coin" 

Ted Cruz explains that he announced Carly Fiornia this week to present a contrast between his candidacy and that of Hillary Clinton's and Donald Trump's. "If we end up in the general election having two candidates on the ballot who are both big government, rich New York liberals," the senator says, "we will have profoundly failed this country."

Open: This is Face the Nation, May 1 

Days ahead of a crucial primary contest in Indiana, "Face the Nation" brings you interviews with Republican presidential candidate and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Democratic candidate and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, Donald Trump's convention manager Paul Manafort, and others.

Author walks every NYC street 

Traveling every block in the Big Apple on foot is a tremendous challenge, but it's one Bill Helmreich took on - and he did not bite off more than he could chew. Anthony Mason reports on the author of "The New York Nobody Knows," and joins him a stroll through some of the unexpected sights of New York City.

The American Bison makes a comeback 

This past week the House and Senate approved legislation designating the bison as the National Mammal of the United States. Overhunting nearly wiped these animals off the face of the Earth, but today, tens of thousands of buffalo roam the American West once more. Jane Pauley reports.

Pro-life minister wants Christians to put down their guns 

Rev. Robert Schenck has been a vocal pro-life advocate in the abortion debate for decades. But he's taken this stance further after pondering the question: How can evangelicals be pro-life AND pro-gun? He's now challenging the devout to adopt a new way of thinking about firearms and self-defense. Mo Rocca reports.

America's small town in Canada 

There is a place in Minnesota that has the feel of small town America, but if you want to get to the Northwest Angle, travelers have to leave the U.S. and go through Canada to get there. Lee Cowan explains a geographical quirk along the northern border.

Almanac: The Empire State Building 

Eighty-five years ago today the Empire State Building opened for business in New York City, and immediately became the signature building of the Big Apple's skyline. Jane Pauley reports on the numerous historical chapters attached to the landmark that stands 102 stories tall.

The rise in marijuana use among seniors 

More and more Americans age 55 and older are using marijuana. Many - converts who previously preached the dangers of drugs - are advocates for the medicinal benefits of cannabis in treating the aches and pains of aging. Barry Petersen reports.

Obama reveals his "retirement plans" 

In a humorous video that aired at the White House Correspondents' Dinner, President Obama revealed how he would ease his way into retirement. He gets a little help from Joe Biden and John Boehner too.

Widow shares memories of Kevin Brown 

Rebecca Brown shares the contents of a shadow box she complied of her husband's most prized belongings. The former criminalist took his own life after being investigated by the San Diego Police Department for the 1984 murder of Claire Hough. Rebecca believes in her husband's innocence and has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the city.

Priest and peace activist Daniel Berrigan dies 

One of America's most outspoken anti-war activists has died. Daniel Berrigan, a Jesuit priest who protested against the Vietnam war and subsequent conflicts, was 94.

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