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Новости за 14.02.2023

What the January CPI report shows about inflation trends


The latest Consumer Price Index report shows inflation slowing overall, but the numbers in January were higher than anticipated. Lori Bettinger, the president of Bancalliance, joins CBS News to explain what the report means.

Seeking answers after deadly shooting at Michigan State University


Investigators are searching for a motive and more information about the gunman after a mass shooting on the Michigan State University campus in East Lansing. At least three students were killed, and five people are in critical condition. CBS News Chicago reporter Charlie De Mar has the latest from the scene.

New information revealed on objects shot down by U.S. military


CBS News senior White House and political correspondent Ed O'Keefe joins Lana Zak and Lilia Luciano to discuss what officials are saying about the Chinese spy balloon and other objects recently shot down by the U.S. He also has reaction to Nikki Haley becoming the first Republican to officially challenge Donald Trump's 2024 presidential bid.

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