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Новости за 13.09.2023

Is disability insurance worth it?


Is disability insurance an unnecessary expense or a worthwhile investment in your financial security? Learn more here.

Relief felt after Pennsylvania search for escaped killer ends


The search for escaped killer Danelo Cavalcante ended Wednesday morning, nearly two weeks after he made his break from a Philadelphia-area prison. CBS News Philadelphia chief investigative reporter Joe Holden has more on how residents are feeling about the end of the search.

Astronaut Frank Rubio breaks record for longest time in space by an American


Astronaut Frank Rubio, forced to spend an extra six months aboard the International Space Station because of trouble with his Russian ride home, set a new U.S. single-flight endurance record Monday, moving past Mark Vande Hei's 355 days off-planet. CBS News space analyst Bill Harwood has more on the record.

Sen. Mitt Romney says he won't seek reelection in 2024


Utah Sen. Mitt Romney says he will not seek reelection in 2024. In a video released on social media, the former Republican presidential nominee cited his age and said it's time for a younger generation to lead the U.S. before criticizing both President Biden and former President Trump. CBS News political director Fin Gómez has more.

Burglar alarm helped lead to capture of escaped killer Danelo Cavalcante


Residents of Chester County, Pennsylvania, can breathe easier after state police captured fugitive Danelo Cavalcante following a manhunt that lasted about two weeks. Former FBI supervisory special agent Eric Miller and Pat Milton, senior producer for the CBS News investigative unit, detail how authorities found the escaped murderer.

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