
Новости за 13.05.2024

A Jeffersonian Conversation on Antisemitism


The elected imbeciles strolling the halls of government. The platitudes with which they perfume their genocidal hypocrisy regarding bombed children. The Congressional committees which conduct themselves as a grotesque amalgam of the Sanhedrin and the Council Of Trent. All are a direct result of a citizenry with a limitless inability to fathom. More

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What are Greek Students Waiting For?


As the student movement in solidarity with the Palestinians and denunciation of their genocide by Israel intensifies in the United States and now spreads across the planet, there are growing indications that it is succeeding in influencing the central balance of forces while it is being recognized as a major factor in international developments of decisive importance! Thus, Washington's "sudden" distancing of itself from the Netanyahu government, which followed (or perhaps...preceded) Hamas' acceptance of the Qatar-Egypt peace plan... Читать дальше...

Local Newspapers Are Lifelines for Climate-Disaster Communities


When wildfires began erupting in the Texas Panhandle in February, Laurie Ezzell Brown, the editor and publisher of the Canadian Record, was in Houston on a panel discussing ways in which losing local newspapers represents a danger to democracy. Running the once-a-week Record from the Panhandle town of Canadian, she certainly knew something about the rise of “news More

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Ultraprocessed Deadly Corporate Food Demands Action


About forty-five years ago, at a social gathering, I asked an executive of a Minneapolis-based large food processing company if he fed heavily sugared cereals to his children. He smiled as he shook his head. Smart person. His and other major companies producing what is now called Ultraprocessed Foods (UPFs) had scientists and labs. They More

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I Run a Food Pantry, But It’s Not Enough. We Need SNAP


I run a food pantry. I’m proud of the work we do. But if lawmakers passed a liveable minimum wage or invested more in programs like SNAP, people wouldn’t need to rely on pantries like mine. Pantries are a critical piece of the anti-hunger puzzle, but they’re filler pieces. Government nutrition programs — with the More

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Mutual Backtracking in US-China Student Exchanges


In recent talks between US and Chinese leaders, they have found common ground in support for more people-to-people exchanges, particularly in education. Presidents Biden and Xi both mentioned the importance of these exchanges at their last summit meeting, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, during his April trip to China, gave a talk to American More

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