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Новости за 12.01.2023

House Passes Two Anti-Abortion Measures


WASHINGTON, D.C. - One of the first priorities House republicans are taking up involve two anti-abortion measures. One would require that infants born alive after an attempted abortion get the same care as any newborn... And it also threatens medical prov

Trends in Current Job Market


As we begin a new year, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports, the national unemployment went down to 3.5 percent. So what's the local job market looking like? Apparently there are still more jobs than people who want to work.

Local Bakeries Struggle Under High Egg Prices


The average price of a dozen eggs is now $4.33, up from $1.33 just a year ago. The high costs largely come from a wave of the avian flu earlier this year, causing more than 43 million egg-laying chickens nationwide to be euthanized.

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