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Новости за 22.02.2023

Erie Success Stories: Shannon Smith Sr.


We are yet again highlighting the success stories of local residents from here at home. This week, we sat down with Shannon Smith Sr. to learn his story and how he's helping the kids in the Erie community.

Manor Motel Residents in Millcreek Voice Eviction Concerns


Residents at the Manor Motel in Millcreek have until the middle of May to find new places to live. Tuesday night, Millcreek Township Supervisor Jim Bock went to the motel and spoke with residents to give them some answers.

Many Questions, Few Answers in Millcreek Township


Residents at the Manor Motel in Millcreek have until the middle of May to find new places to live. Tuesday night, Millcreek Township Supervisor Jim Bock went to the motel and spoke with residents to give them some answers.

Summit Township Amends Sidewalk Ordinance


Summit Township held a meeting and voted on passing an amendment to its sidewalk ordinance. Multiple residents came out to ask questions and voice their concerns about the updated ordinance.

Jailbreak: How it Works


Erie News Now learned that a business in Erie can give you access hundreds of channels for a low rate, so we investigated to see if it actually works.

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