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Новости за 22.09.2023

Home Depot CEO Honored at Kahkwa Club


Decker says that while he spends most of his time in Atlanta working, he always looks forward to coming home to Erie County.

A Lifetime of Model Trains in One Room


Vic Kraus, 85, has working model trains set up on tables. He has boxes and boxes of other train cars and track on the floor and shelves in his Millcreek basement.

Rachel's Challenge Community Event Presentation


Rachel's Challenge stemmed from an essay Rachel Joy Scott wrote weeks before the Columbine school shooting tragedy. Her essay was on kindness and how the individual choices we make can be significantly impactful.

Two Erie County Prison Inmates Graduate with GED


Students enrolled in the IU5 Adult Education and Career Readiness graduated with GED's on Thursday night with two of them completing the program from inside the Erie County Prison classroom.

Erie Creatives React to Rise in A.I. Art, Stories


It seems every day AI makes a new leap in technology - whether it's generating sentences, stories, and even images - leading to some creatives to be concerned for the technology's impact on their jobs.

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