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Новости за 24.06.2023

Rethinking Federal Reserve Policy


Left to continue, current projected deficits will soon create a financial crisis triggered by overwhelming government debt service costs driving fiscal policy out of control.

Why The Real Success Of Pixar's Elemental May Be Too Subtle To See


Few Pixar films have attracted as much criticism as Elemental. The movie about an unlikely romance between a fire and a water sprite has been described by Variety as "a misfire", whilst The Hollywood Reporter said it shows that Pixar's "creative flames are doused" and the New York Post added that it is "far from Pixar’s best." The backlash isn't just surprising, it's also highly ironic.

Earning The Commute In The Return To Office


The future of work involves employees choosing when and where to work, prioritizing collaboration and connection, and embracing sustainable growth

Manchester City Follows Treble With An Exodus


What outsiders, or indeed many City fans might wonder, is why the club would seek to dissemble the most glorious team in its history so soon after the achievement.

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