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Новости за 08.09.2023

Inside The New GE With CEO Larry Culp


To understand how Larry Culp has reshaped GE during his five years as chairman and CEO, consider the star-studded event that he hosted in Manhattan on September 6.

How To Talk To Your Loved Ones About Suicide


September is National Suicide Awareness Month, a time to talk about suicide and help people struggling with their mental health, get the life-saving resources they need.

A Tour Of Black Excellence In Indianapolis


Madam C.J. Walker. Oscar Robertson. Mike Epps. Indiana Avenue. Crispus Attucks High School. BUTTER fine art fair. This is Black excellence. This is Indianapolis.

A Novel Approach To Compressing Sparse Data Tensors


Saman Amarasinghe, a revered MIT professor in EECS, leads CSAIL's Commit compiler group. A driving force in compiler research, he's renowned for developing domain-specific languages like Halide and TACO.

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