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Новости за 07.11.2023

Close Out: Medifast (MED), November 7, 2023


MED reported Q3 results last night. Due to a 28.9% drop in the number of active earning OPTAVIA coaches to 47,100 and a 15.1% decrease in the average revenue per [...]

Is CalPERS Still A Responsible Fiduciary?


CalPERS is doubling down on its climate-focused strategy. Its "centrally planned" approach will neither address global climate change nor help companies perform better.

What Would It Take For Jambo's CEO And Cofounder To Sell His Company?


James Zhang is the Co-Founder and CEO of Jambo. Zhang grew up in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central Africa, his businesses and investments are mostly in local rural communities. He is a long time cryptocurrency advocate and serial entrepre

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