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The Independent

Новости за 25.01.2023

Spain: 1 dead in attack with bladed weapon at church

The Independent 

Spain’s interior ministry says one person has been killed and another severely injured in an attack carried out by a person with a bladed weapon at a church in the southern city of Algeciras

Charge dropped against Afghan soldier seeking asylum in US

The Independent 

Federal prosecutors have dropped an immigration charge against an Afghan soldier who’s been detained for months after he was arrested trying to cross the Mexico border in an attempt to seek asylum in the U.S. as he fled the Taliban in his home country

New York's AG says MSG lawyer ban may violate anti-bias laws

The Independent 

New York’s attorney general says Madison Square Garden may be violating anti-bias laws with its practice of barring lawyers from firms involved in litigation against MSG from its venues including Radio City Music Hall and the Garden itself

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