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The Independent

Новости за 28.03.2023

AP sources: No more action from Trump grand jury this week

The Independent 

The Manhattan grand jury that has been hearing testimony about hush money paid on Donald Trump’s behalf will not take up that inquiry again this week, further delaying a potential vote on an indictment until next week at the earliest

EPA cites 2 oil and gas firms over Permian Basin pollution

The Independent 

Two Texas companies have resolved Clean Air Act violations with the Environmental Protection Agency by agreeing to reduce emissions of planet-warming methane and other harmful pollutants wafting from the nation’s largest oil and gas producing region

After school shooting, Tenn. gun laws likely to remain lax

The Independent 

A federal judge quietly cleared the way to drop the minimum age to 18 for Tennesseans to carry handguns in public without a permit the same day Nashville residents were reeling from a fatal grade school shooting that left six dead, including three children

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