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The Independent

Новости за 06.05.2023

AP PHOTOS: Pageantry, rain herald King Charles' coronation

The Independent 

A horse-drawn golden carriage. The sound of choristers and trumpeters filling Westminster Abbey. Hundreds of Coldstream Guards throwing their bearskin hats into the air and shouting “hip, hip hooray!” Pop stars, young and old. Not one, but several crowns. And of course, persistent rain.

How the world celebrated King Charles’s coronation

The Independent 

The world tuned in to watch the crowning of His Majesty King Charles III during his coronation on 6 May 2023. But how has each nation and culture celebrated the occasion in their own way? As part of the global celebrations, countries and world leaders from across the Commonwealth and beyond have given their support in shows of symbolism and pageantry. As thousands line the streets of London and across the United Kingdom, we explore from North America to Gibraltar just how the world has greeted the new king. Читать дальше...

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