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The Independent

Новости за 07.02.2024

Newspapers were stolen from a small town after a high-profile crime. We spoke to the thief - it’s not what you think

The Independent 

The seasonal Colorado mountain town of Ouray became a flashpoint for the debate about free press and local journalism when nearly all the county papers were stolen from stands – as details broke last week of an alleged sex assault at the police chief’s home. But the truth is more nuanced, the thief tells Sheila Flynn, and his actions have inadvertently highlighted the challenges and ethics of handling sex crime cases in everyone-knows-everyone rural America

DEA reverses decision stripping drug distributor of licenses for fueling opioid crisis

The Independent 

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration is allowing one of the nation’s largest wholesale drug distributors to stay in business, reversing an earlier order stripping the company of its licenses for its failure to properly monitor the shipment of tens of millions of addictive painkillers blamed for fueling the opioid crisis

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