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Новости за 01.06.2023

Austin's summers are becoming hotter, more extreme


Our partners over at Climate Central found that Austin and the vast majority of cities across the country, are experiencing warming summers. In fact, out of 247 locations across the country that they analyzed, 229 of them are experiencing an average warming of 2.4°F since 1970. That comes out to a whopping 95% of locations analyzed experiencing this warming. More impressively a third of these locations warmed at least 3.0°F or more during the summer months since 1970.

City council could expand mobile pantry services in east Austin


AUSTIN (KXAN) -- Austin city council will decide on a contract that will support a mobile food pantry service in the Eastern Crescent during Thursday's council meeting. The Central Texas Food Bank (CTFB) offers the service to central Texas counties and has been receiving funding from the city for the past two years to support [...]

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