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Los Angeles Times (latimes.com)

Новости за 11.12.2023

Columna: Oppenheimer: ¿Habrá una guerra entre Venezuela y Guyana?

Los Angeles Times (latimes.com) 

El dictador venezolano Nicolás Maduro hace declaraciones disparatadas casi a diario, pero su reciente amenaza de invadir la vecina Guyana y tomar el control de sus fabulosas reservas petroleras no debe tomarse a la ligera.

Meet Dominic Sessa — the rare unicorn of 'The Holdovers'

Los Angeles Times (latimes.com) 

'It's almost like its own movie script. It's a crazy story,' says actor Dominic Sessa of being discovered at a boarding school to play the role of a boarding school student in 'The Holdovers.'

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