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Новости за 19.01.2018

Walters: Governor relents a little on school accountability


While Gov. Jerry Brown has faith that additional education revenue will be spent wisely without intense oversight, the extra billions of dollars in the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) could be squandered

Letter: What do the Democrats have to offer in 2020?


In the Jan. 15 letter, “Donald Trump is becoming the worst US president,” the writer ends with: “We should have much better candidates to choose from in 2020.” Like who? Whom or what can the Democrats offer? Another Barack Obama? Or perhaps Oprah Winfrey? LOL. Elie Kheder Newark   Submit your letter to the editor […]

Letter: Fracking has made it possible to reduce emissions


Kassie Siegel’s oped (Opinion, Jan. 18) extols the voters of Monterey County for banning fracking to keep “dangerous activities from poisoning our air.” Siegel and those voters have missed the fact that the U.S. has reduced its “poisonous” emissions in part because of the replacement of coal by natural gas, which has been made possible […]

Bridge: Jan. 19, 2018



Horoscopes: Jan. 19, 2018


Don't let the changes going on around you Pisces, throw you off guard.

Letter: Twin tunnel project is obsolete before it’s even built


Our farming operation is dependent upon the State Water Project for its water. The Central Valley Project and the State Water Project were designed to service 25 million people and 4 million acres of farmland in central and Southern California. The annual capacity of the two systems to move northern water is 8 million acre […]

Letter: Here’s a new association Trump can join


I am proposing that Donald Trump is entitled to free lifetime membership in a new association that I heard about the other day. In fact, the presidency of this group would be a very good fit for him after he leaves his current job. The name of this association is Organized American Fabricators.  Some of […]

Letter: We need to get big money out of politics


The Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling eight years ago corrupted our democracy by allowing the rich to overrule the rest of us forever. A prime example is the loophole-ridden Republican tax law which benefits the rich and corporations at the expense of the rest of us. As the eighth anniversary of this disastrous ruling rolls […]

Letter: We need to steer away from World War III threat


Regarding California officials saying a false alert like that in Hawaii is unlikely here; the real problem, as we all really know in our guts, is that the next nuclear alert may be the real one. In light of the increasing chances of a nuclear war with North Korea or another U.S rival, it is […]

Letter: Judges are held to the standards of the people


When I read that Judge Aaron Persky did no wrong and followed the probation report, I think of Justice Rose Bird and how public opinion removed her from office. Judges are not immune to being held to the standards of the people. If judges only follow the probation reports, should probation officers make the final […]

Letter: Was justice really served in Brock Turner case?


In response to Stanley Voyle’s opinion (Letters, Jan. 16) that Brock Turner received a fair sentence that resulted in a forfeited Stanford college degree, I question how this is a just sentence. Regardless of what one may feel about the recall election of Judge Aaron Persky, I seriously question why justice was served. Why is […]

Letter: A no-win situation for California taxpayers


I’m a fair-minded person in favor of the bridge toll hike and, while were at it, why not increase the highway toll lanes and BART fares as well? When we add in the gas tax hike and the increase in registration fees, and who knows what else they can tax us for. Why bother to […]

Letter: PG&E needs to focus on service to the communities


As a consumer, I am concerned about the amount of money that PG&E spends on advertising. Ads in newspapers, magazines, TV and radio — all touting the company’s efforts to be a full service company interested in meeting the needs of its consumers and the community. If PG&E invested the same amount it’s spending on […]

Letter: Livermore residents need to voice their opinions


Any successful venture needs the support of the people. Have you seen the film “Darkest Hour” starring Gary Oldman as Winston Churchill? Oldman portrays Churchill as he steels the British people to defend their Island. Without the courage and perseverance of its citizens, Britain would surely have been lost. Livermore residents: Last year, several hundred […]

Trump appointee resigns after racist, sexist and anti-gay remarks


An appointee of President Donald Trump has resigned from the federal agency that runs AmeriCorps and other service programs after remarks he made disparaging blacks, Muslims, gays, women, veterans with PTSD and undocumented immigrants surfaced in the news media.

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