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Новости за 23.03.2024

Bridge: March 23, 2024


“Simple Saturday” columns focus on basic technique and logical thinking. If today’s declarer had been driving a car, you would have thought he was late for a job interview. When West led a low heart against 3NT, South swiftly played dummy’s jack. East won and returned a heart. Then play slowed down, but as the […]

Word Game: March 23, 2024


TODAY’S WORD — LUNACIES (LUNACIES: LOO-nuh-seez: Intermittent insanities.) Average mark 40 words Time limit 60 minutes Can you find 53 or more words in LUNACIES? The list will be published Monday. YESTERDAY’S WORD — COLISEUM clime close clue coil cole coleus come coulis lice lieu lime limo locus lose louse lues isle scum semi silo […]

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