NBC News

Новости за 28.04.2024

Mitch McConnell shies away from supporting national abortion ban

NBC News 

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell did not say whether he supports a 15-week federal ban on abortions, with exceptions, but told NBC's "Meet the Press," "I don’t think we’ll get 60 votes in the Senate for any kind of national legislation."

Watch Biden's full remarks at the 2024 White House Correspondents’ dinner 

NBC News 

President Biden spoke at the annual White House Correspondents’ dinner in Washington D.C., where he cracked jokes about his age while taking aim at former President Trump, saying that he was a grown man “running against a six-year-old." He discussed the stakes of the November election, and urged the press to "rise up to the seriousness of the moment."

Biden swipes at Trump at White House correspondents' dinner

NBC News 

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden on Saturday used his White House correspondents' dinner speech to swipe at former President Donald Trump, taking shots at the presumptive GOP nominee while highlighting the stakes of the election.

Third American tourist arrested in three months for bringing bullets to Turks and Caicos

NBC News 

A third American tourist in three months has been arrested for bringing bullets to Turks and Caicos while on vacation. Tyler Scott Wenrich’s wife said the two bullets authorities found in his suitcase were there accidentally. Now he’s facing the possibility of more than a decade in prison. NBC News’ Priya Sridhar reports.

Wait times for doctor’s appointments at all-time high

NBC News 

In the nation’s 15 largest cities, it takes nearly a month to see a new physician or heart doctor, and more than a month to see an OB/GYN. For some specialists, the wait is even longer. NBC News’ Dana Griffin has more on why wait times are surging and speaks with one doctor who says the situation is a crisis.

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