Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty

Новости за 19.05.2024

Kyrgyzstan 'Helpless' As Mob Violence Targets South Asian Students

Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 

Kyrgyzstan’s populist rulers talked a good game on law and order while ruthlessly suppressing slight expressions of dissent. But when faced with a nationalist backlash, their control over the situation evaporated.

Students Leave Kyrgyzstan In Wake Of Anti-Foreigner Mob Violence

Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 

Pakistan has repatriated some 180 of its citizens following mob violence in Bishkek on the night of May 17-18. Around 140 of the returnees are foreign students, a group that is believed to have been targeted during the attacks. In Bishkek, one student has asked that a "green corridor" be opened to allow safe passage for those who want to leave the Central Asian nation.

Iran Releases Footage Of Rescuers Searching For President's Helicopter

Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 

Thick fog dominates the official Iranian footage of search efforts for a helicopter reportedly carrying President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian. Iranian state media said the helicopter made a "hard landing" on May 19. Video from Iran's northwestern East Azerbaijan province shows offroad cars driving up a bumpy road and rescuers walking in the rugged mountainous terrain.

Protests In Pakistan Over Mob Attack On Foreigners In Kyrgyzstan

Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 

Pakistani students in the homeland have protested attacks on their compatriots in Kyrgyzstan. The rallies held outside the Kyrgyz Embassy in Islamabad and the Press Club in Karachi on May 18 urged Pakistan to ensure safety for its students in the Central Asian country. Both protests were organized by the Islamic Students Association. The one in Karachi was co-organized by the Pakistan Tehrik-e Insaf party. Late on May 18, a special flight arrived in Lahore with Pakistani students from the Kyrgyz capital, Bishkek. Читать дальше...

Iranian President's Helicopter Involved In Accident In Foggy Weather

Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 

Rescue crews are searching for a helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian that Iranian official news agency IRNA said was involved in a "hard landing" in foggy weather in northwestern Iran.

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