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«The Rio Times»
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Новости за 30.01.2024

Venezuela Forms Commission to Monitor Barbados Agreements

«The Rio Times» 

Venezuela’s Government and opposition are forming a commission to implement the Barbados Agreements, signed in October 2023 effectively. Jorge Rodríguez, leading the Government’s dialogue team, announced this move in response to Norway’s request. He declared the Government’s commitment to revitalizing the Barbados Agreements and readiness to form the verification and monitoring commission. During a press […]

Ibovespa’s Cautious Response to Global Financial Dynamics

«The Rio Times» 

Brazil's primary stock index, the Ibovespa at B3, experienced a modest decrease of 0.36% on Monday, January 29. This decline reflects the broad global market trends currently in play. Investors are particularly focused on the Federal Reserve's upcoming interest rate and inflation policy decisions. There's also keen interest in the latest industrial production and job […]

Argentina’s YPF Privatization Plan Faces Hurdles

«The Rio Times» 

Javier Milei’s presidency, which started in December last year in Argentina, brought significant attention to his legislative agenda in Congress. Among his anticipated policies was the privatization of Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales (YPF), a move closely watched by international investors. Achieving a legislative majority proved challenging for Milei, as unions and politicians opposed his policy packages, […]

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