Evening Standard

Новости за 27.04.2024

Guardian turns to AI to generate its headlines

Evening Standard 

The Guardian is a very serious newspaper and, when it emerged that some media organisations were using AI to generate news articles, the left-leaning outlet decided it must take a strong stance.

Does Lloyds stop fraud swiftly?

Evening Standard 

When you bank with a 258-year-old institution like Lloyds you can be sure they know what they’re doing. The firm has a centuries-old reputation of looking after its customers, making sure they are protected against fraud and financial crime as soon as it is discovered.

Brunswick’s battle with the booze

Evening Standard 

Just how bad has the drinking culture become at top City PR firms? Bad enough to hold a discussion on the issue, it would appear, at least for Brunswick.

BHP's miner-measuring contest

Evening Standard 

A whopping £31 billion-sized takeover offer for Anglo American got slapped on the table this week under BHP CEO Mike Henry’s plans to create the Biggest Miner In The World.

Pigs’ trotters could be coming to your high street

Evening Standard 

The 30th birthday of St. John, that culinary cathedral on the edge of the City, is fast approaching. And might it be marking the occasion with a scheme to bring bone marrow on toast and pigs’ trotters to every postcode in London?

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