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The First Tee of Hampton Roads YMCA

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4 Ways To Encourage Positive Thinking In Kids

The First Tee of Hampton Roads YMCA 

We all deal with highs and lows in life. Even as kids, we experience a variety of emotions that have a direct impact on our choices, and the way we think about ourselves. A bad experience can result in negative thinking which can be detrimental to a young person’s self confidence and outlook on life. […]

Taking on Challenges

The First Tee of Hampton Roads YMCA 

Taking on Challenges Experiences can be some of our greatest teachers, and there are a variety of learning opportunities ahead for parents and students alike. While some will be fun and exciting, others may be challenging or difficult to navigate. Without practice or understanding, some of these new experiences are likely to leave students feeling […]

The Impact Of Having A Good Mentor

The First Tee of Hampton Roads YMCA 

Having someone that you can look up to and go to for support is one the most important things a kid can have. Mentors give youth (and even adults) the confidence they need to confront challenges and come up with their own solutions. They provide a safe place for kids and teens to be themselves […]

6 Ways To Show Up For Others

The First Tee of Hampton Roads YMCA 

We believe character is learned, cultivated, and shaped by our experiences. At First Tee,  we focus on taking the valuable lessons learned on the course, and applying them to everyday lives at school, at home, and in our communities. We believe that part of being a good leader and becoming a game-changer involves showing up […]

Quick 9: Denise W

The First Tee of Hampton Roads YMCA 

Mentoring Denise W, First Tee – San Francisco  1. Why is mentorship important? It’s easy to get lost and overwhelmed, especially since we now live in an extremely fast-paced world where expectations for us are very high, so having a mentor to guide us through our development process is definitely reassuring. 2. What makes someone […]

Quick 9: Ricky L.

The First Tee of Hampton Roads YMCA 

Mentoring Ricky L., First Tee – Tri Valley 1. Why is mentorship important? Mentorship is important because it allows a chain of knowledge and wisdom from years of experience from mentors to be passed down to mentees, unlocking their potential. Mentorship gives underprivileged students guidance to take control of their own life. 2. What makes […]

Looking Back on the First Tee Leadership Summit

The First Tee of Hampton Roads YMCA 

This August, we held our first ever First Tee Leadership Summit in the unforgettable backdrop of West Creek Ranch in Montana. This event took place for two weeks, bringing together 20 teens each week from across the country to develop leadership skills through dynamic outdoor and team-building activities. Through collaborative workshops, First Tee’s core competencies […]

First Tee Scholars – Class of 2021

The First Tee of Hampton Roads YMCA 

In 2021, twelve high school graduates have been selected to the First Tee College Scholarship Program based on academic performance, length and involvement in First Tee programs, financial need and commitment to volunteerism. This class of scholars includes aspiring engineers, accountants, teachers and environmental activists, all of whom will be attending stand out colleges and […]

Coach Rebecca Caimano

The First Tee of Hampton Roads YMCA 

Rebecca Caimano, Assistant Executive Director, has been coaching with First Tee — Greater Philadelphia since 2011.  Coach Rebecca started golfing at a young age and has a passion for introducing girls to the game. “Growing up playing golf I never imagined being in the golf industry. It was tough being the only female who played […]

Quick 9: Coach Nic Thacker

The First Tee of Hampton Roads YMCA 

Coach Nic Thacker, First Tee – South Puget Sound 1. Why do you think having a healthy mindset is important? Having a healthy mindset is the first step to being a generally healthy person. If you have self-belief, confidence and a good work ethic you can accomplish so much. 2. How do you keep a […]

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