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How to change or cancel your music streaming services

The Verge 

The Verge

There are more digital subscriptions around than ever, and among them, you may well have a music streaming service (or two or three). What with “free” trials and trying to find a service you really like, it’s easy to suddenly realize you’re oversubscribed. Luckily, canceling a music subscription — or switching to a free tier — isn’t too difficult. And remember that you can always sign up again. It doesn’t have to be goodbye forever.

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Controversial US surveillance program (briefly?) lapses amid congressional dysfunction

The Verge 

Cath Virginia / The Verge | Photos from Getty Images

The Senate has passed a bill reauthorizing Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), a controversial program that allows warrantless spying on foreign “targets,” but a long, knock-down, drag-out fight over amendments kept the Senate in session past midnight on Friday, when the surveillance program officially expired.

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You can buy a refurbished Steam Deck for almost half off

The Verge 

Valve says each unit has received over 100 tests and meets the same performance standards as new Steam Decks. | Photo by Vjeran Pavic / The Verge

It’s not often we see an excellent portable gaming PC like the Steam Deck on sale for nearly half off, but today’s your lucky day. So long as you don’t mind buying it in certified refurbished condition, you can save hundreds when you purchase it directly (with a one-year warranty included) from Valve right now.

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The Hades 2 technical test is a trial in self-control

The Verge 

Image: Supergiant Games

Imagine the most perfect barbecue — a prolific spread of smoked meats, all the right sides, every pie, type of cookie or cake, and even your grandmother’s famous dinner rolls. But there’s a catch: most of the food is kept behind glass to be unlocked at a later date, and you are starving. That’s what it’s like playing the Hades 2 technical test.

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