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Новости за 03.01.2024

The Economists Who Found the Richest People of All Time

The New Republic 

In late September 1066, William of Normandy asked his second cousin, Alan Rufus (en français: Alain le Roux), to join the Normans’ fateful war party against the Saxons. Rufus was the second son of a Breton count, at a time when the firstborn son would inherit the title and all the family wealth. It was unlikely that he would prosper if he remained in France. So he enlisted in William’s expedition to England, distinguishing himself as a commander at the Battle of Hastings. After William’s victory... Читать дальше...

There’s Nothing Undemocratic About Barring Trump From the Ballot

The New Republic 

The Colorado Supreme Court’s holding disqualifying Donald Trump from the ballot, and the similar ruling by Maine’s secretary of state, have been widely denounced by various members of the pundit class as undemocratic. There are plenty of grounds for worry about these decisions, but this can’t be one of them. These critics’ fears about what’s at stake as far as our democracy is concerned have been badly misplaced: It is only because of democracy-thwarting provisions of the Constitution that Trump has any hope of becoming president again. Читать дальше...

The Polls Prove It: Many Republicans Love Fascism

The New Republic 

It is no longer controversial to speak plainly about the authoritarian shift of the Republican Party, led by Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton was dragged in 2016 for saying, “You could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.… The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic—you name it.” When Biden described the “extreme MAGA philosophy” as “semi-fascism” earlier this year, hardly anyone blinked. This is in part due to a shift in the conventional wisdom... Читать дальше...

Israel’s “Right to Exist” Is a Rhetorical Trap

The New Republic 

“There can be no genuine peace in the Middle East until the Arab states abandon the policy of hostility to Israel and show by deeds and words readiness to accept Israel’s right to exist,” Abba Eban, Israel’s ambassador to the United States, told the Overseas Writers Club in Washington in 1955. Sixty-six years later, Dani Dayan, the Israeli consul general in New York, wrote in The New York Times, “The day Palestinians accept Israel’s right to exist as the legitimate homeland of the Jewish people... Читать дальше...

Claudine Gay’s Resignation Shines a Light on the Academic Hypocrisies of Elite Universities

The New Republic 

I wish I could say that Harvard’s first Black president, recently the victim of an outrageous campaign led by hedge fund big shot Bill Ackman over her handling of student protests, is being hounded out of office unfairly. Ackman’s campaign was indeed appalling, as I argued here and here. But so was the mounting evidence of Gay’s plagiarism, compiled in a series of anonymous complaints published by the New York Post and the Washington Free Beacon on December 11, December 19 and January 1. On Tuesday... Читать дальше...

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