
Новости за 25.04.2024

Iran sentences rapper to death


(NEWSER) – A rapper who supported protests in Iran after the death in custody of a young woman arrested for not wearing a hijab has been sentenced to death. Reuters reports that the media department of Iran's judiciary has confirmed that Toomaj Salehi received the sentence on charges including "corruption on earth." The 32-year-old was…

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Biden bans gas stoves, appliances in federal buildings


Nick Pope Daily Caller News Foundation The Biden administration finalized a rule Wednesday that bans the use of natural gas in new federal buildings. The Department of Energy (DOE) announced the final rule, which requires federal agencies to “phase out” and ultimately eliminate the on-site use of fossil fuels starting in 2030. New federal buildings…

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Russia to seize $440 million from J.P. Morgan


(ZEROHEDGE) – Seizing assets? Two can play at that game. Just days after Washington voted to authorize the REPO Act – paving the way for the Biden administration confiscate billions in Russian sovereign assets which sit in U.S. banks – it appears Moscow has a plan of its own (let's call it the REVERSE REPO…

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Top study: Carbon emissions CANNOT cause 'global warming'


(SLAY NEWS) – A bombshell new peer-reviewed study has provided conclusive scientific evidence proving that carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in Earth’s atmosphere cannot cause “global warming.” Dr. Jan Kubicki led a group of world-renowned Polish scientists to study the impact of increases in CO2 emissions on the Earth’s global temperatures. However, not only did they…

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Biden's stunning plastic surgery exposed by experts


(TRENDING POLITICS NEWS) – Amid swirling rumors and expert observations, the fountain of youth may just be a surgeon’s skilled hands, as President Joe Biden has reportedly splurged on cosmetic enhancements to craft an image of vitality for another presidential run. Biden has allegedly spent a significant sum on cosmetic procedures to appear more vital…

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Kidney from pig ​transplanted into deathly ill woman, begins working almost immediately


(THE BLAZE) – A New Jersey woman is alive and improving after undergoing experimental transplant surgery involving a kidney from a genetically modified pig. Earlier this month, Lisa Pisano — a 54-year-old grandmother from Cookstown, New Jersey, about 20 miles southeast of Trenton — was practically on death's doorstep. She was in desperate need of…

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Why has the Left finally noticed pedophilia?


Scrolling through Twitter on Tuesday, I came across a sober video message from celebrity gadabout Paris Hilton. Dressed down in a modest track suit, Ms. Hilton sounded all the word like what the media might call a "QAnon fanatic." "And I really hope this is a lesson to people out there that if you're abusing…

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Western Marxist intellectuals are useful idiots


Read Hanne's The Herland Report. Columbia University and many prominent American educational facilities have been cesspools for Marxist radicalization for generations. The Marxist idea has long been to orchestrate revolutions that, in time, will kill capitalism and the classic freedoms of the West. When the capitalist system crumbles and falls in a ravaging civil disruption…

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Is Dearborn, Michigan the new Tehran?


It was International Quds Day – an annual pro-Palestinian event held on the last Friday of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan (March 10-April 9, 2024). The Muslim holy day was first established in 1979 by Iran to demonstrate support for the Palestinians and opposition to the Israelis. For Westerners, one such event was frightening…

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Sorry, there's no right to sleep outdoors


In a Supreme Court showdown Monday over whether the homeless have a "right" to camp in public, almost no one mentioned the actual victims of that crazy idea. Homeless advocates, including the American Civil Liberties Union, told the court that living on the streets is a "victimless" crime. Victimless? Everyone who has to step over…

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Christian world, stand up against anti-Semitism – now!


As followers of Jesus, we are often grieved over the compromise and cowardice of previous generations of American Christians. With righteous indignation, we say, "Had I lived in the days of slavery or segregation, I would have taken a stand. I would have spoken up!" In the same way, we decry the compromise and cowardice…

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