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Новости за 20.02.2018

World's Fastest Talking Woman


By Luke Kenton This 'adventure mum' who lives life in the fast lane can also talk in it too, speaking up to 603 words per-minute which has seen her land the title 'world's fastest talking woman'. A , an adventurer, a stand-up comic and the author of 19 books, you may wonder how New York Credit: CatersNews

Warlords: Hitler vs Stalin


The personalities and spectres of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin loom large in the events of the twentieth Century. They were similar in some respects and yet very different in others. A reasonably even handed doco using actual accounts and diary entries discussing the duel between Stalin and Hitler.. Run time - 48:46min

«Чиновники отмажутся, а спортсмены страдают»: заслуженный тренер России Игорь Завьялов о скандале с мельдонием на Олимпиаде

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

Россия рассматривает дело керлингиста Александра Крушельницкого, получившего бронзу на Олимпиаде и обвиненного в употреблении мельдония, как «допинг-терроризм». Спортивный врач, заслуженный тренер России Игорь Завьялов поделился своими тремя версиями произошедшего.

Казахстан перешел на латиницу: что это значит и почему сейчас. Объясняет политолог Аркадий Дубнов

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

В Казахстане утверждена новая версия алфавита на основе латинской графики. Указ подписал президент Нурсултан Назарбаев. В октябре прошлого года он одобрил поэтапный перевод алфавита казахского языка на латинскую графику до 2025 года. Тогда же был утвержден алфавит из 32 букв. Журналист и политолог, эксперт по странам СНГ Аркадий Дубнов объяснил, почему это произошло именно сейчас и какой сигнал Назарбаев посылает России.

Horrific accident caught on camera: Indian family miraculously survives as speeding vehicle hits their bike on highway


By Bilal Kuchay This is the jaw-dropping moment three members of a family including a young boy miraculously survived after a speeding jeep hit their bike on a highway in India. The shocking incident captured on CCTV took place on Wednesday in Deesa in Banaskantha in western Indian state of Gujarat. Kesarbhai Desai, 45, was riding a motorbike, Credit: CatersNews

Brick furnace suddenly explodes onto 7 people


a furnace accident caused 7 people were injured in the accident, today returned to the scene, the furnace has been temporarily closed for inspection, the monitor screen is also followed by the exposure today, firebrick collapse About 7 people stand in front of the gold mouth burning gold paper, the moment the ashes with sparks poured out from the furnace mouth, people scared ran away. There are currently 2 injured inhabitants in the 7 intensive care unit, 1 in the general ward, and others have been discharged.

Pre-spring cleaning - orangutan cleans enclosure glass


By Kristiana Hall This orangutan was getting ahead of herself with the spring cleaning. It might only be February, but Mandi the orangutan was determined to make sure her windows were sparkling. Visitors to the Allwetter Zoo in Munster, Germany, were left highly amused as she pressed her lips against the glass and tried to Credit: CatersNews

Председатель Верховного суда подвел итоги работы судов за 2017 год

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

Глава Верховного суда Вячеслав Лебедев на итоговом совещании судей подвел итоги работы судов в 2017-ом году. Вот некоторые цифры, которые он уже назвал: россиян стали реже лишать родительских прав, но и усыновляют детей тоже реже, число преступлений, совершенных подростками, сокращается, а число осужденных предпринимателей сократилось на треть. Отчет Лебедева слушала Анастасия Михайлова, которая рассказала о нем в эфире Дождя.

Not fur me: Grumpy golden retriever hates to be brushed so much she barks and jumps around


By Charlotte Regen This grumpy golden retriever decided being brushed was not FUR her as she barked and jumped around. As owner Jennifer Smith tried to groom Daisy on January 23, she approached her devoted pooch tentatively. Quickly the seven-month-old begins yelping loudly and baring her teeth at the hairbrush, with Jennifer trying to slide Credit: CatersNews

'I'm not holding on!' Magical moment wheelchair-bound woman stands unaided for the first time in almost two years


By Kirstie Sutheran I'm not holding on! A woman who had been confined to a wheelchair for almost two years amazingly manages to stand for the first time - in an emotional moment captured on camera. Faye Wilson, 26, developed Functional Neurological Disorder in August 2016, a rare neurological condition that causes patients to experience Credit: CatersNews

Budweiser Beer made in China


A TV station in central China has released a video showing a group of workers in a warehouse putting beer into used and recycled Budweiser cans.

Rugby players form 'scrum' to free ambulance stuck in mud


This is the impressive moment two rugby teams formed a 'scrum' to free an ambulance stuck in mud in Italy, local media. A tractor had already tried in vain to free the emergency vehicle, which was carrying an injured rugby player, according to newspaper Il Tirreno . After taking the player to hospital, the ambulance staff returned to the site to offer their helpers a beer. The incident happened on Sunday (February 18) at Pontedera near Florence.

Подросток спас двух детей во время пожара в Челябинске

Блог сайта «ТВЦ» 

Огромный столб пламени вырывается из окна на шестом этаже панельного дома. Через несколько секунд дым пошел уже из соседней комнаты. В окне очевидцы увидели двух мальчиков, передает "ТВ Центр".

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Burning a cathedral made of branches


On the last day of Russian version of Carnival people usually burn down a straw effigy, but one village in Kaluga region followed the idea of local artist and decided to make a difference. Sound from 2:15

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