
Новости за 20.02.2018

Dog Fetches Can of Cider for Owner 

Talk about a good dog! Jordan Devlin captured this footage of his dog, Lucy, showing off her new trick.Jordan’s father has a disability and has taught the golden retriever how to fetch his shoes, the phone, and other items, but her latest feat is fetching a can of cider. The pooch happily trots off to get the can for her owner and earns her treat. Credit: Jordan Devlin via Storyful

Pickup Truck Blocks Driveway 

Homeowners decide to damage the pickup truck. A different, less quality view from the one posted yesterday.

Pro-Assad "popularforces" start moving to Afrin to support the YPG 

Liwa al-Baqir latest news: Turkish artillery shelling targeted the convoy forcing it to stop in Ziyareh village (unconfirmed) more latest news: indicate that regime militia fighters fled back to Nubul after being targeted by artillery shells. They were also scared when they saw Turkish drones flying above them.

NDF enters Afrin to support YPG 

A huge convoy of NDF fighters mostly from Nubl and Zahraa has just entered YPG held Afrin region to help them in fending off turkish attacks. YPG from Afrin used to support Nubl and Zahraa cities while they were under siedge earlier in the civil war. Pictures and videos of the convoy: Turkey has tried to scare NDF off by droping bombs around the convoy but they did not stop. Some pictures from the city:

Obama to Trump: 'Stop Whining' 

Then they lost....and sang an entirely different tune ...LOL. You Libs are PATHETIC !

New York - Manhattan Financial District Crane Climb 

Feature with Emil: We entered the building early and waited for sunrise. As we where sitting on the 60th floor waiting, we hear some noise in the stairs. Minutes later @svvvk and @_wolvez_ appear. Rooftop run ins. We headed to the crane and climbed it. A lovely morning. 5th June, 2017. I decided to post this on liveleak, we have lots of ideas. We are keeping them discreet, but you'll find out about them in the due course. Thank you for attention. Contacts: Читать дальше...

Humpback whale puts on show for tourists off the coast of Maui 

This is the amazing moment a Humpback whale appears to put on a show in front of a tourists' boat. The footage, captured off the coast of Maui County on January 1, shows the whale breaching just a few yards from the boat. The filmer writes:''Fortunately for us, on a relatively calm day, this whale cavorted nearby for several minutes. ''It really enjoyed showing off. ''The boat driver said it was the best encounter he has had in his several years as a whale watching guide.''

Artist Creates Valentine's Day Piece 

Artist Samuel Bialkowski wanted to give his Valentine something unique this year for the heart-filled holiday.Instead of a flowers and chocolates, the artist created this beautiful piece to give to his love. Credit: Samuel Bialkowski via Storyful

Kinkajou Desperately Wants to Befriend Cat 

Sweet Stella just wants to play.The adorable kinkajou was helping her owners babysit the neighbor’s cat and wanted to introduce herself to the feline. Sadly, the cat seemed to want none of it. Credit: stellathekinkajou via Storyful

Malamute Can't Wait to Open His Christmas Gifts 

Tonka the Malamute couldn’t contain his excitement at the thought of opening presents. The uploader told Storyful that he even carries them from the mailbox. Credit: The Adventures of Tonka the Malamute AKA WaterWolf via Storyful

Widow of Russian Soldier Killed in failed attack on US outpost crying "They were Slaughtered like Pigs'' 

400 russian and syrian troops attacked a small outpost of 20 US soldiers....and got slaughtered like pigs. You were warned, you didnt listen...hope you learned your lesson. Its a shame this woman and her kids will probably starve, live in poverty or have to turn to prostitution to feed her children because putler now refuses to acknowledge the dead soldiers pensions. Slaughtered Like Pigs ...remember that, putler bots...its easy to copy/paste russian propaganda all day but someone is paying... Читать дальше...

Tiny Puppy's Sweater Is Too Heavy For Her 

Some dogs just aren’t equipped to handle winter weather and the wardrobe that goes along with it.Little Lola was trying on her new winter sweater when things took a turn, literally. The tiny one-pound pup couldn’t handle the weight and took a tumble as she was placed on the floor. Hopefully in time she will be able to handle the attire. Credit: Melissa_Dawg via Storyful

Время покажет. Мораль против детей 20.02.2018 Первый канал 

Время покажет. Мораль против детей 20.02.2018 последний выпуск. В Екатеринбурге суд лишил опеки над двумя детьми Юлию Савиновских. Скандал разразился минувшим летом, когда женщину заподозрили в намерении сменить пол. Органам опеки показалось подозрительным, что Юлия полностью удалила себе грудь и вела блог от лица трансгендера. Сама Савиновских утверждает, что удалила грудь, так как из-за большого размера ей было тяжело физически, а подозрительный блог объясняет творческим интересом к трансгендерам и попыткой заработать в Сети. Читать дальше...

Rear-ended By Tram 

Be careful of abrupt stops ahead of trams.

Тайны Чапман 309 выпуск Золотой запас 16.02.2018 РЕН-ТВ 

Тайны Чапман 309 серия Золотой запас 16.02.2018 последний выпуск. Какие секреты знают индусы, забыли египтяне и хранят цыгане? Кто проклял Александра Македонского? Куда исчезло племя Саков? Японцы разработали искусственную кожу с экранами. А Apple забрала себе больше половины доходов от продажи всех смартфонов в мире. Истории о том, как на самом деле устроен мир. Ответы на простые и в то же время сложные вопросы. Почему количество природных катастроф за последние годы выросло в несколько раз? Может... Читать дальше...

Чрезвычайное происшествие. Секрет фокусника выпуск 20.02.2018 НТВ 

ЧП. Чрезвычайное происшествие. Секрет фокусника 20.02.2018 последний выпуск. Суд вынес приговор экс-руководителю ивановского детского Театра магии, который совращал малолетних. Крепкий орешек: инспектор ДПС из тюменской области на ходу запрыгнул на крышку багажника и разбил заднее стекло автомобиля, чтобы задержать пьяного угонщика.

В погоне за славой: полицейские задержали казанских пранкеров, которые разыграли похищение человека. Щепки летят: в Иркутской области силовики устроили погоню за «черными лесорубами» в тайге. Читать дальше...

Дом 2 5034 вечерний выпуск Город любви 20.02.2018 ТНТ 

Дом 2 Город любви свежая серия 20.02.2018 ТНТ. Штрих провел бои на перчатках между парнями. Первыми на ринге бились Рома Капаклы и Леша Купин. Победил Рома. Вторая пара были Чайчиц и Саймон. Победил Чайчиц. Следующими дрались Давид и Леша Безус. Давид не умеет себя сдерживать и контролировать себя, поэтому Штрих отдал победу Безусу, который не забывал, что это игра, а не драка. Давид начал орать, что все больные вокруг, он может убить Алексея. Саймон считает, что Давид сильнее, но Леша первый день на Острове и хорошо себя проявил... Читать дальше...

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