
Новости за 24.02.2018

Former Trump aide pleads guilty in Russia probe: Special Report 

Why has nothing leaked out about who will say what against Our Leader?? Do they have anything? Is the nefarious plan to string this out without coming out one way or another whether Don was involved in Russian collision thus allowing the Media to continue to besmirch Don up until the Midterm Elections? OMG such evil genius of the Deep State.

Kayaker vs. Bus driver 

Kayaker and his gf wants to get on the public bus with the kayak and driver says no, because bus is overcrowded. And unpleasant incident happens eventually. Jump 2:16 for side dashcam for better view. And 1:35 for inner action.

trump supporter Scot Peterson hid from gunman in last week's school shooting in Florida 

THE deputy sheriff who resigned amid claims he hid during the Florida school shooting has been blasted by trump as students say he could have stopped the killer. Scot Peterson, a long time trump supporter, failed to engage the shooter at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School" believing he did a good job" because he called in the location of the massacre and gave a description of the shooter, a top union official said Thursday. This is who trump supporters are.

Drug addicted police officer raids prescription drop off box from the police station 

A Poulsbo police officer was charged Wednesday with theft and felony drug possession after she confessed to repeatedly taking narcotics left in city hall's prescription drug take-back box Stacey Lee Smaaladen, 49, told Bremerton police investigators she took the drugs to supplement her own legally prescribed medications, which she took for pain from injuries, including back surgery. A search of her bag found morphine, tramadol (both of which are narcotic painkillers) and several other prescription pills that had not been prescribed to her. Читать дальше...

Assadist calls to exterminate people of Ghouta 

Assad Regime and it's allies genocide in Eastern Ghouta attracts lots attention these days, in order to justify the slaughter and terrorism, Assad have started a new propaganda campaign. He is using regime units to fake rebel mortar attacks on Damascus, the same tactic that was most notably used during the siege of Aleppo. Many of the rebel mortar attacks news are completely made up too. Assadists have no regard for civilians, but are very careful with the the mortar attacks on the regime-held... Читать дальше...

Millions stolen - EU demands their money back from Kiev 

The EU will reclaim from Kiev the money from the modernization of checkpoints on the Ukrainian border. According to the news portal, citing a source in the EU Commission, Brussels believes that the Ukrainian authorities have stolen these funds. "Millions of euros of the EU have been stifled, and border checkpoints have not been fixed yet. Therefore, there are eternal traffic jams on the Ukrainian border with the European countries, there is no infrastructure. After this Scandal they can forget to get anymore Money... Читать дальше...

Train speeds over drunk man who stumbled on to tracks 

A drunk man narrowly avoided death after he lay face down on a railway track - and allowed a train to speed over him. CCTV caught Derek Acton, 44, stumbling along a platform at Harlow Mill station in Essex. At one point he sat down and started dangling his legs off the edge of the platform. Dramatic footage then shows him climbing down on to the lines and lying face down between the tracks. Just moments later, a Greater Anglia train drove over him at speed - before Acton got back up and climbed back up on to the platform.

Teenagers put a kitten inside an oven 

The local government of the UK has already reacted: "Investigative agencies of the Investigation Committee of the Russian Federation for the Krasnoyarsk Territory are conducting a check on the cruel treatment of teenage animals." According to preliminary data, a video is posted on the Internet, where teenagers living in the regional center, mocking a cat, her into a heated oven.At present, all the circumstances of the incident are established, and the procedural decision will be taken as a result of the inspection. Читать дальше...

Ukraine to Melt Down Famous AN 22's for Scrap Aluminum? The Mounting Debt Crisis 

I recently posted this comment to a LL colleague who supports Ukraine's Ukrop's feedback loop: _____________________ "Ukraine's debt is $73,620,000,000.00 US Dollars, and staring down $10 billion in scheduled repayments, and the vaults are empty. All the money has gone somewhere... Best to melt that puppy down and sell the aluminum to Russia. "_____________________ It, of course, was promptly deleted by the OP. Therefore, here is a closer look at the Ukraine Debt Crisis. Be prepared to tilt your hat back and scratch your head.

Russian Election Video - FUNNY, because it's TRUE. 

Starring Glasnost Gone as "The Lodger". This is what could happen if decent people don't vote, and shit-sucking nazi scumbags rig the vote. BUT DON'T WORRY, PUTIN WILL WIN BY A LANDSLIDE. Not because the vote was rigged, but because the Russian people understand what's at stake. "Come on, Lucy. Come on!!!"

EU: UK's Brexit position based on 'pure illusion' 

Brexit's been the dish of the day in Brussels again, as EU leaders met to debate their future budget. After the informal summit, European Council President Donald Tusk said he expected the bloc's joint stance on UK future ties to be adopted next month, regardless of whether London gives input. And he fired another warning shot. "Of course I am glad that the UK government seems to be moving towards a more detailed position. However, if the media reports are correct, I am afraid that the UK position today is based on pure illusion. Читать дальше...

The Earliest Photographs of Victorians Smiling: Part 7 (1880's/1890's) 

A collection of photos of smiling unidentified actresses from the 1880s and 1890s. The criteria for smiling in the collection are photographs where a person's teeth are visible, as many times I have found that claims of a smile can be hard to verify without this rule.

Cities Of Britain - Liverpool No. 2 (1931) 

Number 2 in this mini series. After the Geordies vid yesterday here's Just a couple of minutes of footage that show where the Scousers come from ;) SP

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