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Новости за 10.03.2018

The Nebelwerfer


The Nebelwerfer ("Smoke Mortar") was a World War II German series of weapons. They were initially developed by and assigned to the Wehrmacht's so-called "smoke troops" (Nebeltruppen).

Pewdiepie reee compilation


I know you will hate this upload, but please understand an army of right wing austists are on your side! lol

Журналистка NBC заявила о невозможности "перемудрить" Путина

Блог сайта «ТВЦ» 

Владимир Путин и Мегин Келли на прошлой неделе встречались дважды. В Москве - сразу после послания президента Федеральному собранию. И в Калининграде, куда глава государства прибыл с рабочим визитом. В общей сложности интервью длилось полтора часа. Большую часть времени журналист NBC пыталась выведать военные секреты России и даже предположила, что самая западная точка нашей страны выбрана для беседы не случайно. Вопрос звучит вполне серьезно, передает "ТВ Центр".

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A-10 Warthog Practice Fire Missions


Pretty sweet footage of the legendary A-10 Warthog practicing run and gun missions on humvee targets - includes slo-mo footage and that classic BBBRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAPPPP!!

Scary Alexa terrifies kids


Amazon's AI voice assistant Alexa can be scary even after you tell her to stop, as these kids find out when they ask her to tell a horror story during a sleepover and are terrified when she keeps going. The three 8 year old children, two of whom have never used Alexa before, were testing her capabilities with odd or difficult questions before one asks her to tell a horror story. She begins but is cut off as the other tell her to stop. Alexa pauses and then whispers: "Did you hear that?" sending the children into screams of panic.

Opposition fighters leave Syria's rebel-held Eastern Ghouta


Syrian state TV has shown pictures of what it says is the first group of opposition fighters to leave Syria's rebel-held Eastern Ghouta and reach areas controlled by the government. The footage shows 13 men getting onto a bus and arriving at a crossing point where they hand themselves over to authorities. Syrian rebel group Jaish al-Islam agreed to the evacuation after meeting with a delegation that entered with a UN aid convoy. Almost two-and-a-half thousand food parcels able to sustain... Читать дальше...

Cops Run A Red Light, Blame Me


An undercover silver police car with three officers, NY Plate HMJ 7410. Approximately around 12-12:15am on March 9th at the intersection of Morgan and Grand.

Even while watching movie. And not moving foot at all


This is some creepy shot but it is true that total individual technology exists and this might be s m all example but yeah being s yt? talked by stalkers and mind control victims the same thing

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