
Новости за 18.03.2018

Lisbon's aerial view in HD (4k, 2160p.) 

People constantly tell me here that I live in a shithole. On my behalf, I can only say it's oddly pleasing to live in a shithole like this. Peace! :)

Россия отмечает возвращение Крыма в состав страны

Блог сайта «ТВЦ» 

В 2014 году был проведен исторический референдум, по результатам которого более 90 процентов проголосовавших жителей полуострова решили, что Крым должен вновь стать частью России, напомнил "ТВ Центр".

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It's okay to be Gay. Why? Cos GRL FORCE FORCE said so. So please just be you and never hate or do harm to yourself for who you love, as you are who you are. Why? Cos GRL FORCE said so ;)

Nationalists vs Antifa 

Antifa invades a nationalist rally, gets taught a lesson in respecting others liberties, then get protected by police when reality dawns on them. Don't worry, socialists in the house, I'm sure they started bad mouthing the officers as soon as they felt safe again.

Жители Сибири и Дальнего Востока голосуют несмотря на погоду

Блог сайта «ТВЦ» 

На Камчатке, Сахалине, в Хабаровском крае и Еврейской автономии к полудню явка составила около тридцати процентов, сообщил "ТВ Центр". Активней всех голосуют жители Чукотки – там на участки уже пришли больше сорока процентов избирателей.  И это несмотря на плохую погоду. Из-за метели во многих городах и селах - организованы автобусные маршруты к участкам.

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Moonbats Enraged to Hear Men Are Taller Than Women 

....A group of offended moonbats promptly got up and stormed out, one of them grousing in the lobby that "Even the women in there have been brainwashed." Women who believe that men tend to be taller have been "brainwashed." Only those who embrace liberal ideology in all of its absurdity think for themselves.... (MOONBATTERY:


Yeah, and the UX and UI still suck donkey balls.


Roll with the punches

Ferrari 550 Maranello vs BMW M6 racing @ VDG Bridge 

The Vasco da Gama bridge is one of europe's street racing sancturies. With nearly 13 km (8 miles) in distance, it's the longest bridge for motor vehicles in all Europe. It's a six lane straight with a 5 star tarmac strip that never seems to end and racers love it.

Portugal's Police Audi R8 Supercar. 

It was probably offered by Audi and will never be used again as soon as it needs new tyres. But hey! At least we have it.

Vikings: A Mythology of Peace 

"The year is 793 and cultural ignorance leads some Anglo Saxons to question the peaceful intentions of the kingdom's hard-working Norse migrants"

Constitutional Law Professor Gives Fake News CNN Some Bad News: Red Flag In McCabe Statement Suggests Comey Perjured Himself..tic toc 

{{file|t=lfDT_1521344215}} On Saturday, law Professor Jonathan Turley told that he believes the termination of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe suggests then-FBI Director James Comey lied to Congressional investigators, while under oath, about leaking information to the media. On Friday evening, Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired McCabe on the recommendation of FBI disciplinary officials. "Both the OIG and FBI OPR concluded that Mr. McCabe had made an unauthorized disclosure to the news... Читать дальше...

Old cunt fights young cunt. 

It's especially disappoiting when you see a hot piece of ass acting like a retard... And especially funny too!

Lol - St., Louis Police Give Zero F*ucks 

Biker does his best at getting attention of cops by stunting alongside to no avail. Even the fist bump was a lame-assed attempt. Those SLMP really take their breaks seriously.

Cockroaches EVERYWHERE 

EXCLUSIVE Try to guess which Brazilian state is this from?

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