
Новости за 21.03.2018

В Москве испытали трехколесный электромобиль

Блог сайта «ТВЦ» 

Глядя на электрокар, так и хочется поиграть в ассоциации. С некоторых ракурсов - гоночный болид. Сбоку угадываются очертания вертолетной кабины. Так и кажется, что еще немного, и машина просто взлетит в воздух, передает "ТВ Центр".

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Снег из временных хранилищ в Москве вывезут за две недели

Блог сайта «ТВЦ» 

Столбик термометра постепенно ползет к нулю, а коммунальщики продолжают устранять последствия сильнейших осадков. Несмотря на круглосуточный режим работы, плавильные станции просто физически не способны были растопить разом такую массу. Снег со всех районов Москвы свозили в места временного хранения. Чтобы убрать такую ледяную пирамиду, как, скажем, на улице архитектора Власова потребуется ещё недели две.

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Украина разорвала экономические отношения с Россией

Блог сайта «ТВЦ» 

Правительство Украины прекратило действие программы экономического сотрудничества с Россией. Об этом объявил украинский премьер-министр Владимир Гройсман, пишет "Русская планета".

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Житель Екатеринбурга прописал в своей квартире 7 тысяч мигрантов

Блог сайта «ТВЦ» 

"Нехорошей" квартиры в екатеринбургской "сталинке" теперь сторонятся  все, кроме правоохранителей. Самые частые гости  -  из прокуратуры. Правда, встретить хотя бы одного из нескольких тысяч жильцов нереально, передает "ТВ Центр".

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Monster 2-meter fish washes up on Australian beach 

A massive fish weighing around 150kg (330lbs) and nearly 2m (6.5ft) long mysteriously washed up on an Australian beach. Video shows the monster fish, thought to be a Grouper, washed up on Moore Park beach in Bundaberg, southern Queensland. The filmer, John Lindholm, said he had "never seen anything like it". But when Lindholm and his wife, Riley, came back to site the next day, the fish had disappeared. Authorities said the state of the fish made it difficult to identify. Its cause of death has not been determined... Читать дальше...

Bungling thief wears see-through plastic bag to mask his face 

Indian police have arrested a bungling robber after he used a see-through plastic bag to mask his face. The three CCTV cameras at Anisika mobile store in Kanyakumari, in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, caught the man breaking into the shop wearing a transparent plastic bag on the night of March 14. The thin sheet of plastic made no attempt to mask the thief's face. He also left more clues to help the police track him down easily. He helpfully lifted his mask a few times before the CCTV cameras to see better. Читать дальше...

Baby rescued alive after mother throws her off bridge 118ft into muddy river 

By Janet Tappin Coelho Distressing video shows the moment rescuers carry a seven months old baby girl to safety after she was hurled 36 metres (118ft) from a bridge into a swampy river by her and nearly choked to death in the mud. Thayller Barros was discovered buried up to her neck in sludge [...] Credit: CatersNews

British couple defy death as shipping container they took shelter in was launched into the sky by gale force winds 

By Hannah McFadyen A British couple defied death when the shipping container that they were taking shelter in was launched into the sky. The young couple were taking a month long holiday to explore the Falkland Islands after sailing there for the jobs. Charlotte Bainbridge, 25 and her boyfriend Edd Hewett, 27 had been camping [...] Credit: CatersNews

«Не жалею о своих словах»: на Камчатке радиоведущую отстранили от эфира за сравнение избирателей с приматами

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

На Камчатке ведущую «Радио СВ» Росину Буданс отстранили от эфира за сравнение 74% избирателей с приматами. Также выборы она сравнила с «балаганом» и напомнила «сказочно красивых вбросах в избирательные урны» в регионе. Редакция радиостанции извинилась перед избиркомом и перед всеми жителями Камчатки. Буданс признала, что вела себя непрофессионально, и принесла извинения всем, кого задела, говорится в заявлении редакции.

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Texas serial bomber is dead 

The suspected serial bomber for the recent blasts in Texas has blown himself up, as police closed in on him. Police tracked the 24 year old to a car at a hotel near Austin and were following him when he pulled to the side of the road and detonated a device, killing himself. Two police officers approached the vehicle when the device went off, injuring one of them. One officer fired at the vehicle. Austin Police Chief Brian Manley told reporters near the scene, "The vehicle ended up stopping on the side of the road behind us. Читать дальше...

In the nick of time: heart-stopping moment biplane suffers sudden catastrophic engine failure, sending aircraft hurtling towards the ground before mir 

By Luke Kenton This incredibly lucky pilot missed a potentially fatal crash, after the engine of his biplane cut out during a routine maneuver, sending the aircraft plummeting down to the ground head first, before turning it back on in the nick of time. Practicing a series of spins and loops above the ground in [...] Credit: CatersNews

Mum adopts 'military regime' to cope with life after birth of miracle triplets 

By Kim Reader A mum has revealed how she needs a 'military regime' to cope with the madness of life after giving birth to miracle IVF triplets. While being a first-time parent is never an easy job, Rachael Winterton and her husband Chris Winterton have been faced with three times the work since their adorable [...] Credit: CatersNews

Fast and the freezing: Builder smashes speed world record for skiing across 400-mile Siberian lake in -35c 

By Sophie Norris A dad-of-four and his two friends have scooped a new speed record for crossing the world's largest freshwater lake in bone-chilling temperatures. Michael Stevenson was part of a three-man expedition team who tackled Siberia's Lake Baikal faster than anyone else in history earlier this month, completing it in just 12 days. Alongside [...] Credit: CatersNews

Doggone book thief - Cheeky stray steals book and finds a home 

By Janet Tappin Coelho A stray dog, caught on security camera stealing a paperback from a bookstore in Brazil, appears to have made a shrewd choice because the novel swiped off the shelf was called 'Days of Abandonment'. Now the mutt's days of living alone on the streets are over because a rescue home has [...] Credit: CatersNews

Watch: Fitness coach 'freaks out' as poltergeist hurls camera across empty WWII plane cabin 

By Kim Reader A fitness coach was left 'freaked out' after he claims a poltergeist threw his camera across the cabin of a WWII plane before the spirit of the female co-pilot appeared as a white 'angel's feather'. In the first of two spine-tingling videos, Tony Ferguson asks whatever is haunting the former military seaplane [...] Credit: CatersNews

Hello Dah-lings! Over a thousand luxurious items belonging to Zsa Zsa Gabor the hollywood star dubbed the original Kim Kardashian are up for auction 

By Josh Saunders Over a thousand luxury items belonging to Zsa Zsa Gabor, the Hollywood star dubbed 'the original Kim Kardashian', are up for auction. Her extensive designer couture, accessories, memorabilia and the socialite's secret star-filled address books will be offered for the first time with Heritage Auctions next month (April 14). Budapest-born, Zsa Zsa, [...] Credit: CatersNews

Scottish blonde beauty who lives with debilitating jerk reveals how she would bing on at least 15 drinks a night to hide her involuntary muscle spasms 

Jasmine Kazlauskas A Scottish blonde beauty who lives with a debilitating jerk has revealed how she would binge on at least 15 drinks a night to hide her involuntary muscle spasms. Yasmina McGlone's life took a dark turn aged 18 when she discovered alcohol stopped her from having the rapid jerks which have plagued her [...] Credit: CatersNews

It's vetting hot in here - Hunky animal rescuer cuddles saved creatures 

By Jamie Smith This hunky animal rescuer sets more than animals' hearts aflutter as he keeps birds flying and mammals fighting fit. Muscled Avihu Sherwood, 38, certainly has a softer side and has saved thousands of wild animals in a career spanning 20 years. The handsome animal lover got to the point where he set [...] Credit: CatersNews

Dr. Ashwini S | Conceive Fertility and Maternity Centre | NU Fertility 

Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after 12 months of unprotected, regular sexual intercourse. It is condition that affects up to one in six couples of reproductive age. To know more you can visit us at: - Get Connected Here: Facebook: Twitter: Google+: Instagram:

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