
Новости за 27.03.2018

Rebel Fighter: "american dollar and Saudi money fucked us" 

"I'm done fighting, the FSA lied to us and the US dollars and Saudi money they gave us ruined everything. I just want the war to be over" Some propagandist as we know won't show the moral of FSA fighters because he wants his dream is to fulfill which is to turn Syria into Islamic state and for that dream he will prolong the war no matter how many people will die and no matter how unrealistic his dream is

Cat Tactics 

And Darwin became an atheist. - "With respect to the theological view of the question; this is always painful to me.- I am bewildered.- I had no intention to write atheistically. But I own that I cannot see, as plainly as others do, & as I [should] wish to do, evidence of design & beneficence on all sides of us. There seems to me too much misery in the world. I cannot persuade myself that a beneficent & omnipotent God would have designedly created the Ichneumonidae with the express intention... Читать дальше...

3 Head Shot Hogs, Pulsar Digisight Ultra N355 

Hogs head shot at 70, 95, and 110 yards with Pulsar Digisight Ultra N355 on 6.5 Grendel shooting Hornady SST 123 gr. ammo, suppressed with Silencerco Omega suppressor

Guns Are Sexist 

Watch at your own risk, I seriously lost 10 IQ points watching this....AMERICA IS DOOMED Oh and just in case you believe the twit in the first video, wash your eyes out with the second one.

Villager catches one-meter-long crocodile on riverbank 

A villager caught a more than one-meter-long, 30 kg crocodile on a riverbank in southern China. The video, shot in Foshan City in Guangdong Province on March 23, shows the man using a rope to tie the crocodile and holding it onto the bank. The crocodile was taken away by police, according to reports.

Good Samaritans rescue boy hanging from third-floor window 

Good Samaritans rescued a boy hanging from the third-floor window after his head got stuck in the security net. The video, filmed in Huangshi City in Central China's Hubei Province on March 25, shows three men climbing onto the building. One of them approaches the toddler and then stands on a second-floor roof to push the boy back into the room. Finally, the boy was rescued successfully.

Arrest of potential Texas Tech starting quarterback Jett Duffey 

The Lubbock Police Department has released body cam video from Sunday morning's incident at Bash Riprock's, which resulted in the arrest of potential Texas Tech starting quarterback Jett Duffey, linebacker Christian Taylor and two other players. The footage shows a chaotic scene outside the bar, with dozens of people seen being aggressive toward responding officers. It begins shortly before Texas Tech football player Christian Taylor is seen punching a car's windshield. He's quickly handcuffed by an officer. Читать дальше...

World's Strongest Man 

Brian Shaw is 6'8 and weighs 400 pounds. He eats a dozen eggs for breakfast. He can lift a car. But he's too wide to sit in an armchair. See what life is like for the World's Strongest Man.

Before LiveLeak 

Then {{embed|t=9BrJS_1522105292}}

David Hogg Busted - Wasn't At School During Shooting 

Wasn't At School During Shooting "On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and road as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting"

You tell a lie long enough , sheeple will begin to believe it 

This boy is on the Cindy Sheehan gravy train ride. before you know it, his 15 minutes of fame will end in a boys room swirly video upload before he graduates or he'll become a drug addict by age 25... only to vote once in a national election . Oh, in case you don;t know, g ahead and google Cindy Sheehan and how her limelight ended when she challenged pelosi

Holocaust survivor says misuse of the word 'anti-semitism' insults the dead 

A Holocaust survivor said the misuse of the word "anti-semitism" was an insult to those who died in the Holocaust during a protest against anti-semitism in London on March 26. "British Jewish groups held a street protest outside parliament on Monday against opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, accusing him of failing to tackle anti-semitism in party ranks because of a far-left world view hostile to Jews," Reuters reported. In the video, angry exchanges can be seen outside parliament as... Читать дальше...

Man twice deported accused of raping girl in Seaside 

ASTORIA, Ore. (AP) -- Immigration officials say an Oregon man charged with rape had twice been deported. The Daily Astorian reports Seaside police arrested 24-year-old Anastacio Eugenio Lopez-Fabian in February after investigators determined he had sex several times with a girl younger than 14. In addition to rape, he's charged with assault and harassment. Lopez-Fabian posted bail and was released. But U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement later detained him in a courthouse parking lot as he arrived for a hearing. Читать дальше...

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