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Новости за 30.03.2018

Mr Biffo! Ruining childhoods since '93


I did a Skype chat with Mr Biffo who has written about videogames for over 25 years. There's a danger and strangeness to his work that's always attracted me and I'm so glad he's going to be doing his new show.

Trump Says We're Leaving Syria - I'm not Sure I Believe Him, But the Jews are Mad


Of course I'm happy to hear him say he's planning to get out of Syria, because I really want out of Syria. But you know, over the last couple of weeks, Trump has done the opposite of what he said he was doing on about six major issues, including the biggest issues of all - the wall and peace with Russia. So I'm not taking this as truthful or meaningful. The Jews are of course mad that he would say it at all.

Meitra Construction Sequence


Our first flagship project MEITRA Hospital was delivered in August 2017. The 400,000 sq.ft. hospital was manufactured in 18 -months using KEF Infra's offsite manufacturing technology.

KEF Infra - Affordable home


This house features living room cum kitchen 2 bedrooms, a bathroom and foyer KEF in collaboration with BT Innovation of Germany brings this new revolutionary new technology 100% elements used have been prefabricated at KEF Infra One

River of wine


It happened at the prestigious Rutini winery, Argentina. One of the workers broke a valve and caused a disaster that ended with a river of wine

Super SMASH Salford Speedy Gonzales!


This driver is clearly in a rush, since I indicated to change lanes at one point, and as it turned out, this prat was zooming up my rear and into a filter lane, thinking he'd filter himself back in ahead of me at the speed of light.... except that the lights had turned red and a bearded man had stopped, and Speedy Gonzales tried to stop but went into the back of him (bang) then seemed to jerk forward again (another bang).

Послам западных стран в пятницу объявят об ответных мерах России

Блог сайта «ТВЦ» 

Послов зарубежных стран, выславших со своей территории российских дипломатов, вызвали в пятницу в МИД России. Об этом сообщили в пресс-службе Министерства иностранных дел.

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Трамп заявил, что США победит Россию в гонке вооружений. Что стоит за его словами? Обсуждаем с замдиректора Института США и Канады РАН Павлом Золотаревым

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

Новая фаза обострения в российско-американских отношениях. Президент США Трамп в телефонном разговоре предупредил Владимира Путина, если Россия развяжет гонку вооружений, то Америка в ней неизбежно победит. Об этом Трамп заявил в разговоре, в котором поздравил Путина с победой на выборах. Заместитель директора Института США и Канады РАН Павел Золотарев рассказал, к чему это может привести.

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Hungry cat


A hungry cat wants to fill the bowl

Sweden Withdraws Child Marriage Booklet After Public Backlash


http://bit.ly/2IffoTB | The Swedish government has withdrawn a controversial brochure on child marriages only hours after it sparked outrage from members of the public. The brochure entitled "Information for Those Who Are Married to a Child", which was published by the Swedish board of health and immigration, gave advice to newly arrived immigrants who may be involved in a marriage with a minor advising them that it is "inappropriate" to live with their underage spouse. Swedish politician Hanif... Читать дальше...

Passenger on Specially-Chartered Flight Captures Timelapse of Aurora Australis


Brad Phipps captured this spectacular six-hour timelapse of the Aurora Australia, or southern lights, as his flight passed over Antarctica on March 22 and 23.Phipps told Storyful, Flight to the Lights 2 was the second private chartered flight from New Zealand to fly south to the Antarctic circle with the aim to see and photograph the Aurora Australis, the southern lights. Credit: Brad Phipps via Storyful

Guy on drugs crashes into water tanker


This guy had already ran into the cement divider when I started recording. After crashing I pulled over and checked him out, he was in and out of consciousness and shaking from the drugs. The police and ambulance came, they woke him up then arrested him.

Turkish soldiers 'killed in PKK attack' - Turkish security sources


Turkish security sources quoted by Reuters say that five Turkish soldiers have been killed and seven wounded in an attack by Kurdish militants. The Turkish military says the assault was carried out by the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) on a military base in southeast Turkey's Siirt province. Those killed are said to have been from a village guard militia which supports the Turkish military in the Eruh district. State-run Anadolu news agency said four soldiers and three village guards were wounded in the attack... Читать дальше...

Новые задержания, псевдосборщики денег и встречи с Тулеевым: что происходит в Кемерове на пятый день после пожара

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

В Кемерове после пожара в ТЦ «Зимняя вишня» начали задерживать первых чиновников. По подозрению в злоупотреблении полномочиями задержана начальник инспекции Госстройнадзора Кемеровской области Танзилия Комкова. Владимир Роменский, корреспондент Дождя, находящийся в Кемерове, рассказал о ситуации в городе. 

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Great big balls of the loner


Here is to the people who stick out from the crowd, the ones who don't trust everything they are taught, here's to the questioning of the authority of the authority. Here's to the people with big giant balls, the astro physicists, the rocket engineers, the glass makers, the electrical engineers, the mechanics, the stone masons, the poets, the yogi's, the fitness fanatics, the parents who buy their kids telescopes, the child who questions everyting, the adult who puts up with bullshit... Читать дальше...

«Власти просто хотят запудрить людям мозги»: в Волоколамске не объявляют каникулы и не выдают обещанные средства защиты

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

МЧС начало выдавать жителям Волоколамска респираторы и маски. В городе по-прежнему ощущается сильный запах после выбросов с мусорного полигона. Там также ввели режим повышенной готовности. При этом школы продолжают работать в обычном режиме, а специальные средства защиты туда пока не привозили. Накануне Волоколамск снова вышел на улицу. Это произошло после очередного крупного выброса сероводорода. Жители требовали закрыть свалку и ввести режим чрезвычайной ситуации. 30 марта на заседании Совета... Читать дальше...

Barclays settles on toxic securities


Barclays is pay EUR1.6 billion to settle claims from investors who bought toxic mortgage-backed securities in the run-up to the 2007 financial crisis, the US Justice Department has said. The settlement is below market expectations and analysts says it's a good result for the bank.

Kurdish official says French president Emmanuel Macron has committed to sending more troops to Syria


After more attacks on French soil by so-called Islamic State, President Macron may be contemplating sending more troops to northern Syria. Paris has denied it, but Kurdish officials representing the Kurdish YPG forces in Syria met with Macron on Thursday and afterwards stated that he'd pledged to send troops. Speaking to news agency after the meeting with Macron, Khaled Eissa, a PYD member who represents the northern Syria region in Paris, said he had promised to send more troops to the area... Читать дальше...

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