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Новости за 03.04.2018

Why I Always have a Dash Cam Some Individuals Just Can't Drive


Why I Always have a Dash Cam Some Individuals Just Can't Drive.. Coming home from work the sun is setting and doing the legal speed limit.. Someone just decides to pull out in front of me not even looking.. Then just stops then just cuts over a lane and right in front of me just to pull into a drive way.. Instead of going straight and doing the right thing maybe then getting out of my way and other drivers way.. With out even cutting people off .. But no .. We live in a society now were we even... Читать дальше...

Happy birthday John.


This year is John Harrison's 325th birthday, the solver of the Longitude problem was born on the 24th of march 1693 and died 24th march 1776.

Teen sings 'Cops' song after giving police chase through a golf course


"Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do?" A teen knew what he was going to do when they came for him. Police officers in Haworth chased a 16-year-old from Newark who was allegedly driving a stolen car and led them through a golf course early Saturday, authorities said. When he was apprehended, he was singing "Bad Boys" - the "Cops" TV show theme song - as he was placed in a police car. The incident, captured on dash-cam footage, was obtained by The Record through an Open Public Records Act request. Читать дальше...

Lost Prophets Singer Revealed to be Hardcore Pedophile and Twisted Sicko!!


Lostprophets was a Welsh rock band that got popular in the mid 2000's with songs like "Last Train Home" and "Rooftops." On December 19, 2012, the bands lead singer, Ian Watkins, was charged with thirteen sexual offences against children, including the attempted rape of a baby boy who was only 11 months old. Fuck locking this sick bastard up, he should've been EXECUTED!!!

Dyngus Day Parade: Buffalo NY


Apparently a Polish/American tradition in small places. Dyngus Day Parade: Buffalo, N.Y..

Acquaintance Shoots Man in the Head


Found a recording of a Facebook Live stream where an acquaintance of the guy in white shoots him in the head.

Параной дудосет


Автор: ๑٠൦୪൦٠Shady٠Lady٠൦୪൦٠๑
Добавлено: в 04:45
Длина: 0:26

Canton officials settle suit over excessive force complaint


A lawsuit over excessive police force allegations against Canton Police Department in 2016 arrest has been settled by city officials. The police department's internal investigation determined the officers did not use excessive force to arrest Miller, and no disciplinary action was taken. Here's the incident from police body camera.

Кому повысят налоги? Как найти идеальный стиральный порошок? И за что штрафуют туристов?

Блог сайта «Настроение ТВ» 


Судебные приставы по итогам 2017 года закрыли почти 17 миллионов дел должников и списали внушительную сумму – более 2 триллионов рублей безнадёжных долгов. Когда человек не платит по кредиту, банки обращаются в суд. А решение должны выполнить судебные приставы. Но, как оказывается, они бессильны. У должников нет дохода и какого-либо имущества, которое можно арестовать и продать.


Для россиян, которые очень хорошо зарабатывают, предлагают повысить налог. Читать дальше...

Ashley Lucero tit flash


Semi-internet famous whore flashes a big fake titty for snapchat.

Фитнес от звезды: советы Эль Макферсон

Блог сайта «Настроение ТВ» 

Многих людей не перестают восхищать и мотивировать женщины, которые выбрали здоровый образ жизни и бросили настоящий вызов возрастным изменениям. Яркий пример – австралийская модель и мать двоих детей Эль Макферсон, которой исполнилось уже 54 года. В 90-е весь мир знал её прозвище Body, в переводе с английского "Тело", ведь у девушки были потрясающие пропорции фигуры. Прошло время, а параметры Эль не изменились: при росте 183 см она по-прежнему весит 58 килограммов и всё ещё оправдывает своё прозвище. Читать дальше...

Squirrel Hunting


New Orleans Cajun, Justin Wilson tells a story about Squirrel Hunting in the Swamps.

Ну и Виттон!

Блог сайта «Настроение ТВ» 

1853 год. Известный столяр по фамилии Виттон заработал блестящую репутацию мастера в сундучном деле при дворе Наполеона III. Не останавливаясь на достигнутом, он продолжил экспериментировать с формой и материалами. Через несколько лет мастеру удалось создать уникальную вещь – лёгкий сундук с плоской крышкой. Так начиналась история дорожного чемодана.

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Woman Shoots Man In Head During Livestream - Arrested For Cover-Up


Houston, TX - A man was hospitalized and placed on life support late Saturday night, after he was shot in the head by a female friend who was playing with a gun. The incident was captured in a Facebook Live video posted to the account of Cadillac Coleman, as Coleman, Devyn Holmes, and Cassandra Damper were sitting in a car outside of a Houston gas station, Crimeola reported. The video showed Damper and Holmes sitting in the front seat of the car, while Coleman sat in the back seat. Holmes appeared... Читать дальше...

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