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Новости за 13.04.2018

Молодеем на весу

Блог сайта «Настроение ТВ» 

Совершая непривычные движения, например, входя в помещение задом наперёд, мы проверяем свой возраст. Есть чёткая взаимосвязь между равновесием и старением. Вспомните, как бы мы изобразили пожилого человека, если бы играли в театре. Чуть ссутулились бы и пошли пошатывающейся походкой. 

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Trump VS Mueller


Will Trump prevail? Or will he be impeached?

Latifa Al Maktoum - FULL UNEDITED VIDEO - Escape from Dubai - Herv'e Jaubert


MYSTERY OF THE RUNAWAY 'PRINCESS' AS 'DAUGHTER' OF DUBAI'S RULER SHEIKH MOHAMMED CLAIMS SHE HAS FLED THE COUNTRY AFTER BEING 'DRUGGED AND JAILED FOR THREE YEARS IN THE ARAB STATE' - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5478493/Runaway-Princess-mystery-ruler-Dubai-daughter-flees-country.html LAST HEARD FROM ON SUNDAY MARCH 4TH, 6PM GMT, ON A BOAT NEAR GOA, INDIA. Any information leading to the whereabouts, please contact: HTTP://WWW.ESCAPEFROMDUBAI.ORG #FindLatifa #FindHerve #EscapefromDubai... Читать дальше...

Ужасы моды

Блог сайта «Настроение ТВ» 

Многослойность в одежде – тренд последних сезонов. Но как бы ни старались современные модники, сравниться с молодёжью Китая прошлого столетия у них вряд ли получится. Семь рубашек друг на друга и сверху ещё пиджак – таков стиль времен правления Мао Цзэдуна.

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Lion Attack in Shiraz, Iran - May 2007


This is a video of a lion attacking one of its trainers in Shiraz, Iran (south central Iran). This amazing video clip was originally posted by Jalil268. I have added English subtitles for the

Анатомия "Айсберга"

Блог сайта «Настроение ТВ» 

Год 1983-й. В квартире композитора Михаила Танича и поэтессы Лидии Козловой всегда любили гостей. Двери дома были открыты не только перед знаменитыми и заслуженными. На чай к творческой семье особенно любили заглядывать начинающие музыканты и среди прочих Игорь Николаев.

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Звёздные дебоширы

Блог сайта «Настроение ТВ» 

Лучше бы Любовь Успенская в тот день и вправду села в кабриолет, а не в самолёт. В середине марта певица отправилась на гастроли. Вместе с любимой собачкой, которую бережно разместила на коленях. Стюардесса попросила поместить животное на время взлёта в переноску, как того требуют правила. Но Любовь Залмановна сказала, что ей лучше знать, как провозить пса, и завязался скандал. Говорят, Успенская даже толкнула бортпроводницу. Кончились препирательства тем, что командир корабля просто снял артистку с рейса. Читать дальше...

Блинчики с йогуртом "Сладкие сети"

Блог сайта «Настроение ТВ» 

Итак, в нашем рецепте участвуют:

  • Мука
  • Молоко
  • Яйца
  • Масло растительное            
  • Соль
  • Ассорти фруктовое
  • Йогурт фруктовый
  • Сахарная пудра
  • Вода         

Для начала нужно просеять муку. В тёплом молоке развести яйцо, растительное масло и соль. Добавить муку и замесить тесто.

Оставить в тёплом месте на некоторое время. Потом разбавить тёплой водой и хорошо размешать. Процедить через сито, чтобы не было комочков. Читать дальше...



Dude gets beat up for owing money at the barbershop... but when ratchet girlfriend finds out... she rushes the dude and puts him a headlock... without getting her weave messed up.



Skip to 11:50, you will see a Fire Truck and some weird shit behind the water stream at 11:53. rewind it a couple times and tell me if you know what's going on.

Don Benito Trumpolini - Head Of The Trumpolini Crime Family


"Don Benito, I am honored and grateful that you have invited me to your home on the wedding day of your daughter. And may their first child be a masculine child." Thank you, Luca, I have a job for you, there's this really tall guy that calls me Benito Small Hands and I hate him.......""

Biker Keeps Getting Cut Off By The Same Old Man


From the OP: The driver of this car has cut me off twice in the last two months. It wouldn't be as big a deal if they'd hit the gas after the cutoff but this driver is either looking to cause something or, as is much more likely, is unaware of their surroundings and oblivious to other vehicles on the road. Whatever the case they need to either turn in their license or pay more attention to the road.

'Urine a lot of trouble': White House terrified that FBI seized Michael Cohen's audio recordings


Former FBI Director James Comey once joked "Lordy I hope there are tapes," when talking about conversations he had with President Donald Trump. Now it seems there might actually be tapes. A Washington Post report revealed Thursday that Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen sometimes would tape conversations with associates. Allies of Trump's are now fearful that those tapes are in the hands of the FBI, which raided Cohen's office Monday. "We heard he had some proclivity to make tapes," a Trump adviser told The Post. Читать дальше...

Man Lights Himself on Fire at UT Gas Station, Officers Injured


New surveillance video released captures the terrifying moments as a man set himself on fire, injuring four officers in the process. The video, from a Kaysville gas station, shows a fireball shooting out of a back bathroom. Four officers were inside along with 26-year-old Tyler Ivison. The officers were dispatched to the store after a call of a suicidal man who had poured gasoline on himself and had a lighter in hand. All four officers say they did everything they could to try and talk Ivison... Читать дальше...

*MAN WITH MACHETE* SHOT by LAPD = in da barrioTM(R)


Authorities subdued and took into custody a man who was walking around a Pacoima parking lot with a machete Thursday afternoon. The incident unfolded around 4:51 p.m., when authorities received a call about a man panhandling and carrying a machete in the 11600 block of Glenoaks Boulevard. The man continued walking around with the machete as he ignored commands to comply with officers. Officers then shot the man with rubber bullets or pellets, then appeared to use a Tazer on him. He eventually... Читать дальше...

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