
Новости за 15.04.2018

They can't take down the Trump 

The left is trying hard to take down Trump. They will fail because real Americans, love this country. Trump has exposed the sickness that is liberalism. The hatred they have for this country, for its people and for everything it stands for. Here is a refresher on Trump. And remember, liberalism is a mental disorder. Liberals want you beholden to them. They will tear this nation down if allowed. Fuck NYC (where I live) and the west coast. America is what is in between these two cesspools off ignorance, radical leftism and hatred of America. Читать дальше...

"fat leonard" 

Fat Leonard," the Navy bribery scandal involving more than 60 admirals, explained It involves fancy dinners, prostitutes, and lots of alcohol. By Alex Updated Jan 11, 2018, 9:28am EST SHARE The aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) transits the Pacific Ocean. US Navy The US Navy is now investigating more than 60 admirals and hundreds of other Navy officers because of their possible involvement in a bribery and fraud case that has become the worst corruption scandal in the service's history. Читать дальше...

Broken Promise 

How soon they forget.

Block Fight 

Rough Neighborhood

Beaver Crossing Vancouver 

{{file|t=sVhel_1523764843}} Fat Old Beaver looking for xanax bars

WWI German Newsreels "On the Firing Line with the Germans" 

Run Time = 44:44 Originally released in 1915 entitled "On the Firing Line with the Germans", this incredible compilation of German newsreel footage gives a rare glimpse into WWI. Wilbur H. Durborough spent seven months with the German army in Russia and Turkey, as well as on other fronts, and shot 16,000 feet of film. The Industrial Moving Picture Co. of Chicago edited the film to the nine reel length seen here. All of the film, which was produced in conjunction with Oswald F. Schuette, a Chicago Daily News war correspondent... Читать дальше...

The majority are starting to speak up. 

Mark Robinson NC stands up for 2nd Amendment rights, here is the full unedited version..........he said too many things that certain outlets would consider to be an ism, or to disagree with their agenda or what they believe.

Tire test sample 

Went to test out the new tires today: very pleased. Had to take it a bit easy in this vid cause of traffic. Later on the in the day the ES was able to catch up to a focus RS and a lancer on an uphill turn section. Couldn't be more happy. (MasterCraft avenger M8's).

Former LGBT Lawyer David Buckel Dies After Self-Immolation 

A prominent gay rights activist set himself on fire in a protest suicide in Brooklyn's Prospect Park in the early hours of Saturday morning. David Buckel, 60, was found in the park at 6.30am on Saturday before hundreds descended on it to enjoy the warm Spring weather. He left a note in a bag for police which read: 'My name is David Buckel and I just killed myself by fire as a protest suicide. 'I apologize to you for the mess.' The note was left in an envelope labeled 'for the police'. He was protesting over climate change... Читать дальше...

Russia to block Telegram app over encryption 

{{file|t=929LL_1523759220}} "Russia is a Democracy and a Christian Country" ~ Alex Jones, Russophile . --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A court in Moscow has approved a request from the Russian media regulator to block the Telegram messaging app immediately. The media regulator sought to block the app because the firm had refused to hand over encryption keys used to scramble messages. Security officials say they need to monitor potential terrorists. Читать дальше...

You didnt save me! 

2 of em go at it over something another.

California Might Split Into Three Smaller Californias 

California is looking to split into three smaller states due to the entire thing being too large and unmanageable. That could work, I guess. They'll probably still completely collapse. Also, the Jews at Bank of America are still going after guns.

Oldy comedy clip 

Andrew Dice Clay Repost but meh!

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