
Новости за 19.04.2018

Dashcam video captures flying ice cracking car windshield 

A dashcam video captured ice flying off of a vehicle on a highway in Vermont and cracking the windshield of the car with the dashcam. "I was driving along and I was going to pass a car with U.S. government license plates," the filmer said. "Suddenly, the ice flew off their car and smashed into my windshield, cracking it along the entire driver's side." "This is a lesson in why you should always clear the ice off your car in the mornings," the filmer added. The footage was filmed on April 16, 2018.

Caribou block traffic as they cross road in Canada 

Cars on a road in Newfoundland, Canada, were forced to stop when a small herd of caribou crossed the road. In the video, a driver in a car can be seen waiting patiently as a group of caribou make their way across the road. "I was driving along the highway on April 16, 2018, when a small herd of caribou decided to cross the road," the filmer said. "Herds can be as many as 250, but this was a smaller group out enjoying the sunshine."

Youtube shuts down CustomGrow420 channel for community guidelines violation 

News of today: Youtube has permanently shut down the channel of Jolie Olie aka CustomGrow420 for a not further specified "community guidelines violation". This channel has - until yesterday - been one of biggest marijuana channels on Youtube with far over 1 million subscribers. Who will be next? R.I.P. CustomGrow420 Reference:

Britain and Russia continue their war of words at the OPCW 

Britain and Russia's war of words has continued at an emergency meeting of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in the Hague on Tuesday. The meeting was called by the UK to discuss the March 4th chemical attack in Salisbury on Sergei Skripal. Speaking to the after the event, representatives from both countries accused each other of spreading lies. ''I think the clear thing is that first of all Russia needs to declare its chemical weapons programme and secondly it... Читать дальше...


like the title states...I'm out, filling the description box is getting pointless these days, not like when he was head CIA he met with Russian spies in DC on January 31, 2018 the exact same date as Netanyahu was meeting with Putin in Russia...nope, nothing for the "people" to talk about and realize.......later!!

Syrian rebels battle Iran's mercenaries on the Salim front in NE Homs (16/4/2018) 

A brief skirmish on the Salim front is recorded between Syrian Jaish Tahwid rebels, and advancing Iranian funded mercenaries. Tehran's mercenaries in NE Homs are predominantly shiite Iraqis, although the rebels say a large number of shiite Pakistani fatimiyoun mercenaries have recently appeared in the area.

Anton LaVey on The Joe Pyne Show 

1970: LaVey consents to appear on Joe Pyne's Hot Seat Radio show, during which LaVey is treated to Pyne's unusually caustic tongue. Pyne dies within a few months of having LaVey on his show." ~ The Secret Life Of A Satanist by Blanche Barton; chapter 'Curses & Coincidences'.

How a wine lover motivates herself to do more bicep curls 

A woman slipped a wine bottle through a weight to give herself extra motivation to do one more bicep curl. In the , the woman can be seen doing biceps curls with a wine bottle stuck through the hole of a weight. So every time she does a bicep curl, she can take a sip of wine from the bottle. "I love working out. I love wine. Sometimes you have to combine the two," the woman explained.

Рабский труд северокорейцев в России. Готовы ли российские студенты в Британии вернуться домой по призыву «Россотрудничества»?

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

— Мы поговорим о том, кто побеждает в войне Telegram и Роскомнадзора и о том, чем российские власти грозят «Фейсбуку».
— Наши корреспонденты расскажут о сегодняшнем дне протестов в Армении и о том, как лидеры не только этой, но и других бывших советских республик меняли конституцию, чтобы остаться у власти.
— Мы покажем расследование того, как северокорейские власти используют рабский труд своих граждан за рубежом, в том числе и в России, чтобы финансировать ядерную программу.
— И услышим... Читать дальше...

Pig Riding Grandpa 

Pigs normally wouldn't let anyone ride on them. This one seems to be in a special relationship with the old man.

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