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Новости за 26.04.2018

Brazilian Drug Trafficker Shooting Full Auto Rounds into City Center @ Rio de Janeiro


It is known that one of the bullets hit a 11 year-old girl in a school, which is a mile away from the perpetrator. In the short video, the trafficker is heard saying "A.D.A", one of the militia groups that operate in favelas. Source: https://translate.google.com.br/translate?sl=pt&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=pt-BR&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Fg1.globo.com%2Frj%2Frio-de-janeiro%2Fnoticia%2Festudante-de-11-anos-e-atingida-por-bala-perdida-dentro-de-escola-na-zona-norte-do-rio.ghtml&edit-text=&act=url

Haute cuisine in Vietnam.


Street cooks in Vietnam, fighting to gain their first Michelin star in haute cuisine.

Dramatic rescue of toddler trapped in well caught on CCTV


A neighbour risked his life to rescue a toddler trapped in a well in northwestern China. In dramatic CCTV footage, filmed in Xining City in Qinghai Province on April 22, a three-year-old boy can be seen dropping into a well as its cover suddenly tilts. His auntie, with her own young child nearby, witnesses the incident and checks on the boy and then runs to ask for help from a man coming out of his car. The brave man used a belt and some clothes to lever himself down into the deep well while his wife also helped. Читать дальше...

Trump's Trade War resulted in Tit-for-Tat


You hit my solar panel, I whack your sorghum. The Trump administration suddenly realized their bullying trade war policy ain't working too well when the victim retaliates. A panicking White House is sending a trade team to China as we speak to pacify the Chinese. They'll probably tell the Chinese behind closed door there is a moron in the White house.

China: World's Largest Car Market


The biggest car show in the world. Over 1,000 car models on display at Beijing Auto Show. Electric cars are the rage this year. Everybody want to sell cars to China. You need a 3 days pass to see all the cars.

Stronger ReMix


Papa's tribute to Kanye West from 10 years ago....releasing new Dragon Energy!

«Обратная сторона 75% Путина»: почему почти половина россиян не верит данным властей о трагедии в Кемерове

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

Почти половина россиян не доверяют данным властей о пожаре в торговом центре «Зимняя вишня» в Кемерове. Согласно опросу «Левада-центра», 41% респондентов сомневаются в том, что официальная информация о пожаре соответствует действительности. Чуть больше — 46% опрошенных верят в достоверность данных, предоставленных властями. В целом, о трагедии хорошо осведомлены 85% россиян, а 14% заявили, что что-то о ней слышали. Только один процент впервые слышит о трагедии. Главными причинами пожара участники... Читать дальше...

SAA unleashes ground-to-ground offensive on ISIS positions south of Damascus


The highly-destructive, home-made Golan 300, 400 and 1000 missiles were unleashed by the SAA's elite 4th Armored Division in bid to destroy the terror group's defensives and pave the way for the ground invasion. The Islamic State still controls a small enclave in southern Damascus, namely al-Hajar al-Aswad, Yarmouk Refugee Camp and al-Qadam. Huge reinforcements poured into the area for the onslaught. Meanwhile, the Syrian and Russian fighter jets continue to conduct precise airstrikes, targeting the jihadists' fortifications... Читать дальше...

HUMVEE airdrop


8 HUMVEES dropped at 5000ft from C-17 Globemaster.

Asia Shutting Down US-Turkish Ugyhur Terror Pipeline


The US government and organizations it funds posing as "human rights advocates" have decried Malaysia's recent decision to deport 11 Uyghurs suspected of links to terrorism back to China. The US State Department's Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty in its article titled, "U.S. Voices Concern Over 11 Uyghurs Beijing Wants Malaysia To Deport," would : The United States on February 9 voiced concern over Malaysia's possible deportation of 11 Uyghur Muslims to China. The Reuters news agency reported... Читать дальше...

Остров свободы в архипелаге ГУЛАГ. Как вспыхнуло Норильское восстание летом 1953 года. Обсуждаем с писателем Николаем Кононовым. Последний выпуск цикла по восстановлению исторической памяти

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

Последний выпуск программы «Медведев» в рамках цикла по восстановлению исторической памяти. Май 2018 года – славная годовщина, которую мало кто помнит. 26 мая 1953 года — 65 лет Норильского восстания. Революция достоинства в самом глубине сталинских лагерей, за которым последовали и другие, ставшие одной из причин конца системы сталинского ГУЛАГа. В гостях у Сергея Медведева — писатель и журналист Николай Кононов, который пишет книгу, в том числе, о Норильском восстании.

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Движение транспорта в Москве ограничат на время репетиции Парада Победы

Блог сайта «ТВЦ» 

В четверг в связи с репетицией Парада Победы закроют движение по Силикатным проездам, улице Народного ополчения и Звенигородскому шоссе. Нельзя будет проехать по улице Красная Пресня, Садовой-Кудринской и Тверской, а также по Триумфальной площади, сообщает "ТВ Центр".

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Послереволюционный пазл: какие силы встанут у руля Армении, и что изменится в отношениях Москвы и Еревана

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

Три министра подали в отставку в связи с выходом партии «Дашнакцутюн» из коалиции с правящей партией Армении. Свои полномочия сложили исполняющий обязанности министра науки и образования Левон Мкртчян, и. о. министра территориального управления и развития Армении Давид Локян и министра охраны природы Арцвик Минасян. Кроме того, заявление об отставке подали губернатор Ширакской области Артур Хачатрян и губернатор Арагацотнской области Ашот Симонян. Корреспондент Дождя Алексей Коростелев в прямом... Читать дальше...

Woman trapped behind subway safety doors as train speeds by


A Chinese woman got trapped between the subway safety doors and a fast-moving train on Shanghai's underground line. The video, captured at Bao'an Highway Station on Shanghai Metro Line 1 on April 23, shows the commuter standing helplessly in the narrow gap in between the safety gates on the edge of the platform and the tracks as a train passes her by at high speed. According to local media, the woman forced the platform safety doors to try to get on a train because she said she was running late for work. Читать дальше...

First big memorial to the thousands of African-Americans lynched by whites opens in Alabama


Visitors to the new National Memorial for Peace and Justice first glimpse them, eerily, in the distance: Brown rectangular slabs, 800 in all, inscribed with the names of more than 4,000 souls who lost their lives in lynchings between 1877 and 1950. The memorial and an accompanying museum that open this week in Montgomery are a project of the nonprofit Equal Justice Initiative, a legal advocacy group in Montgomery. The organization says the two sites will be the nation's first "comprehensive memorial... Читать дальше...

Ken Loach in anti-Semitism clash with Belgium's prime minister


Film director Ken Loach is to receive an honorary doctorate from the Free University of Brussels despite criticism of the university from Belgium's Prime Minister Charles Michel. Michel said in reference to the award that there should be no toleration of anti-Semitism. Loach has actively defended Jeremy Corbyn, who has been accused of harbouring anti-Semitism within the British Labour party. The university said it was sticking by its decision.

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