
Новости за 01.05.2018

Cheap Sunglasses 

LOL semi reflection in sunglasses @00:44 ! :D

Even The Head of White House Correspondents' Association Condemns Michelle Wolf and CSPAN Cuts Feed Halfway through the Pigs Monologue 

The head of the White House Correspondents' Association criticized comedian Michelle Wolf on Sunday night after a day of blistering reaction to Wolf's jokes at the group's annual dinner. The president of the White House Correspondents' Association has joined the chorus of those criticizing Michelle Wolf's monologue at Saturday night's dinner. -Margaret Talev wrote in a letter to members that Wolf's monologue was "not in the spirit" of the group's mission with respect to its annual dinner. The letter... Читать дальше...

Late Aaron Traywick: Interview on Biohacking, Transhumanism 

{{embed|t=9aAhV_1525131989}} Aaron Traywick, CEO of Ascendance Biomedical and a figure in the biohacking and transhumanist movements, was found dead this weekend in a flotation tank in Washington DC, according to Tristan Roberts. He was 28 years old. News2Share's last sit-down interview with Traywick took place February 2nd. Although included as part of a livestream profiling a bio-hacking lab, the raw interview was previously unreleased. Biohacking is a form of science research that hopes to... Читать дальше...

Jewish Group Meet Real Israelites For First Time 

Juicy stuff. Take a listen "Published on Apr 14, 2018 A perfect example of stolen identity. Judaism is a religion made during the Khazarian Empire. These Jewish people today were never the Biblical Israelites they claim to be. The Real Jews were black which they openly agreed to. The Thirteenth Tribe is a 1976 book by Arthur Koestler, in which the author advances the thesis that Ashkenazi Jews are not descended from the historical Israelites of antiquity, but from Khazars, a Turkic people. From Babylon to Timbuktu ... Читать дальше...

Can't run if you're sagging 

Another video from the collection called : the shitbthat happens outside my store.

Tenacious pug shows construction equipment who's boss 

A tenacious pug named Kjelle took on a mini excavator that was invading his territory at a home in V"axj"o, Sweden. In the video, the pug can be seen barking wildly at a mini excavator as it scoops up turf. Even though the excavator is much bigger than the pug, Kjelle isn't intimidated at all and actually ventures quite close to it at times. "My pug Kjelle hates big machines, and when a big one shows up in his yard, he goes crazy!" the filmer said.

trump, 15 months in power and still no border wall 

trump again promised his dwindling supporter base on Saturday that if elected in 2020 there will be a great big beautiful wall on the Southern border. trump still continues to campaign for his 2020 reelection with the promise that there will be a 60 foot concrete border wall paid for by Mexico, despite it being his number one broken promise made during his 2016 campaign . Although not one foot of border wall has been constructed, his supporter base still hold out hope that this time trump is telling the truth.

Subway rapper performer on MTA 4 train 

Caught this on the downtown #4 #4train @dadswithbabies #subwayperformers #subway #mta #trainpeformer #nyc #newyorkcity #rapper #hiphop #music #mumblerap #manhattan #rap #niceatwork

Project funding could be cut as EU battles to balance books 

Discovering the Belgian capital by river cruise - many tourists do it each year. A new terminal has been inaugurated at the port of Brussels, designed to handle 35,000 passengers by 2030 and generate an annual turnover of five million euros. Half of the cash to make it happen came from European Regional Development Funds. "Europe is helping us to better integrate the port in the city, while also improving the economic impact for the city. In fact, thanks to these investments we will definitely... Читать дальше...

Funerals held for victims of Kabul bomb blasts 

They were in the Afghanistan to report the news. Then they became the story. Nine journalists were among victims of a double suicide bombing that claimed the lives of 25 people. As the reporters rushed to the scene a of bomb blast, a second was set off. Among the dead was AFP photographer Shah Marai. He leaves behind six children, including a newborn baby. The BBC's Ahmad Shah was also killed. The 29 year old had been on his bicycle when the attack happened. He was taken to hospital, where he died of his injuries. Читать дальше...

9 Syrian Secret Police Killed in Preventable Ambush 

Austrian UN Peacekeepers filmed this knowing full well that a group of smugglers staged a trap for vehicles driving by. They failed to warn the 9 Muchabarat policemen travelling in the pickup truck. Ein weisser Gel"andewagen schraubt sich langsam die Bergstrasse hinauf. Der Pick-up f"ahrt in die karge Felsenlandschaft des Hermon-Massivs, es trennt Israel von Syrien und dem Libanon. Auf der Ladefl"ache sitzen f"unf Uniformierte, vier weitere Polizisten haben im Inneren des Wagens Platz genommen. Читать дальше...

Filmmaking 101 - Three Point Lighting Tutorial 

Everyone has a video camera. Take the time to learn the very basics. Care. {{embed|t=9G7v0_1525128316}} You can get away with 150W Tungsten security lamps - much cheaper. The cams adjust to that. $5 per two bulbs. $20 for each rig. Always have backup bulbs, unless you wish to appear an idiot.

Watch pooch's epic fail as it tries to enter door with big stick 

A pooch had an epic fail when it tried to enter a door with a big stick. In the video, a dog named KD is seen holding a big stick in her mouth at a home in Lexington County, South Carolina, on April 25. The sliding door is open, so KD attempts to bring the stick inside with her. But the stick is too big and hits the windows on both sides of the sliding door. KD immediately drops the stick when she is blocked from entering. "She's perfectly fine and was not injured at all," the filmer said.

Republican candidate's shotgun-toting ad backfires in Atlanta: 'We are gun owners and we are outraged' 

A new ad for Brian Kemp's gubernatorial campaign, where the candidate cleans a shotgun alongside a young man wanting to date one of Kemp's daughters, has drawn the ire of some 11Alive viewers. The ad, entitled "Jake," shows a conversation between the young man and Kemp. The ad implies that Kemp is menacing the young man with the weapon, and appears to be a tongue-in-cheek effort to bolster Kemp's credentials as a gun rights advocate.

Basic Video Production Lighting Tips 

In my experience, takes about 2yrs to learn good video production. {{embed|t=ks8Up_1525127370}} Great content here, shit color (yellow) {{embed|t=9I8ys_1525127444}}

Firefighters save kitten from window awning on 6-story building 

Firefighters saved a kitten from a window awning on a 6-story building in Verona, Italy, on April 26. In the , a white kitten can be seen sitting on top of a window awning while the owner looks helpless from the window above. Firefighters use a ladder to inch closer and closer to the kitten until one them finally gets close enough to hold the kitten in his hands.

Houston drivers play rock-paper-scissors during rush hour traffic 

Have you ever heard of drivers playing rock-paper-scissors to decide who goes ahead in a lane? Well, it happened Saturday during Houston's rush hour traffic. Marco Sanchez says he was stuck in traffic and wanted to make other drivers "smile and have a little fun." "So I saw this guy trying to cut in for some few minutes and no one was letting him go by," Sanchez said. "So I decided to give another challenge before I let him go by." The posted on Sanchez's Facebook page has been shared over 35,000 times. Читать дальше...

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