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Новости за 01.05.2018

Stormy Morning at Jennette's Pier in Nags Head


A storm hit North Carolina’s Outer Banks on April 8, 2018. This footage caught at Jennette's Pier showed the tremendous costal swells caused by the storm. Wind speeds reached 40mph and surf advisories were issued. Credit: Wes Snyder Photography via Storyful

Cockatoo Cruises on Makeshift Skateboard


Harley the cockatoo is too busy seeking world domination to be walking around. Thankfully, her human friend is sympathetic to Harley’s ambitions and is willing to lend a helping hand.In this video, the duo team up as Harley is brought along in a makeshift skateboard. This allows the energetic bird to resume planning her ambitious quest. Credit: Harley the cockatoo via Storyful

Disabled woman creates custom-made motorbike to travel in Iran


People with disabilities often find it difficult to get around due to lack of transport facilities. But one woman in Iran has found her own way to get from A-B. Zahara Sedighi is unable to walk and was frustrated with the lack of disability access. So she designed her own motorcycle to get around her city Mashhad in southeast Iran. "I cannot use the bus, I cannot find a taxi. There is no other transport for disabled people in society. As a child, her mother was forced to bring her to school in a wheelbarrow," she said to Euronews. Читать дальше...

Cool Looking Snake. Apologies to John Cocktoastin


I saw @John Cocktoastin 's snake video and I got the song stuck in my head and thought this is the only way I could get it out. I was wrong. I love the song. Anyway... See the original here https://www.liveleak.com/view?t=96mVD_1525129116 I hope this is cool John. I'm about to PM you :)

'Kung fu' baby kicks leg when drinking milk


A baby kicked his leg continuously when his father was feeding him. The clip, shot in Wuhan City in central China's Hubei Province on April 6, shows the child being fed milk by his father. But the baby just can't keep his leg still, performing a series of kung-fu-style kicks.

Giant panda dances in China's Chongqing Zoo


A giant panda was captured dancing at southern China's Chongqing Zoo on April 29. The funny clip shows a panda shaking its body as if it is dancing in its enclosure.

Mueller wants to ask Trump 50 questions


Obstruction Of Justice probe into Trump behaviors. I hope one of the question Mueller will ask is "How rich are you" or "How much did you pay Stormy Daniels for sex". Interesting days ahead indeed.

Building on fire collapses during attempted rescue


WOW! Just sharing the news... happened this night... RIP that dude... many missing person More info at: https://g1.globo.com/sp/sao-paulo/ao-vivo/incendio-de-grandes-proporcoes-atinge-predios-no-centro-de-sp.ghtml

«Пытались штурмом взять выставочный зал»: как в Сахаровском центре держали оборону от прокремлевских активистов. Рассказывает организатор выставки Алла Фролова

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

1 мая в Сахаровском центре открылся фестиваль Гражданского искусства под названием «Муза непокорных». Он посвящен событиям 6 мая на Болотной площади в 2012 году и начавшемуся после этого «болотному делу». Однако утром к зданию центра пришли казаки и активисты из движения SERB и НОД, а также активисты из самопровозглашенной ДНР, об этом Дождю сообщила организатор фестиваля Алла Фролова, которые попытались заблокировать вход на фестиваль и даже устроили драку.

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Pompeo agrees with Netanyahu and claims Iran is lying about its nuclear programme


Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo commented on the Iran deal on Monday. He says the documents obtained by Israel from inside of Iran "show beyond any doubt that the Iranian regime was not telling the truth." "This will, I think, spell out, the scope and scale of the program that they undertook there. And I think makes very clear, that at the very least, the Iranians have continued to lie to their own people," he said. The EU and other signatories say Tehran is sticking to the deal, and the information... Читать дальше...

Сын водителя автобуса из Пакистана: кто он — новый глава МВД Великобритании Саджид Джавид

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

У Британии новый министр внутренних дел. После того, как Эмбер Радд подала в отставку из-за скандала с детьми иммигрантов 40-70 годов, которых неожиданно обвинили в том, что они нелегальные мигранты, Мэй назначила на этот пост несколько неожиданного человека. Саджид Джавид и сам сын иммигранта, также он никогда не был откровенным союзником Терезы Мэй. С нами на связи наша коллега из Русской службы «Би-би-си» Яна Литвинова. 

RNLAF F-16 Take-Off and Rendezvous with US F-15s


Images from the cockpit of a Dutch F-16. After taxiing and taking off from Leeuwarden Air Base, the Frisian landscape shoots under the fighter plane. A moment later the North Sea comes into view, an American KC-135 tanker will appear. The F-16 is refueled in the air. Then the training starts against an American F-15. The GoPro cameras register the one-on-one air combat between the 2, with the corresponding maneuvers. The video ends with the return flight to Friesland against the background of a white cloud cover. Читать дальше...

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