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Новости за 07.05.2018

Short Angry Men


A hidden lives documentary about three men whose height has seriously affected their lives in very different ways. They all share one thing: they are all unhappy about being short and vent their frustration in the most surprising ways. Delving into the world of Napoleon Complex: the condition of acting aggressively in order to compensate for a short stature, the film follows the three to find out what it is like for them living in a world of tall people, and tries to understand the chip they can carry on their shoulders.

2018-05-05 Laguna Beach, California (Crescent Bay)


I took my GoPro out on the first dive and got some cool while in the kelp. Water temp was about 57^0F and visibility was a little murky but cleared up some in the kelp.

Leftivist Armed with Lightsaber Is Denied Safe Space. Zombiez


The political group "Healthcare Voter.org" held a rally to celebrate "Star Wars" and Obamacare on Friday in Washington, D.C. The non attended event in a park featured a diverse range of activists dressed in their best "Star Wars" attire, waiving foam lightsabers. The event also featured a sign-up table for people to stay involved in the movement. Mika, the main event organizer and a supporter of the Affordable Care Act, was featured prominently in the . "We're here to make sure that the 217 Empire... Читать дальше...

The Asian School Dehradun


To bring together the traditions and ethos of India and modern technology in an environment where every child is an individual, The Asian School offers English medium, secular, co-educational education from classes Nursery to XII. The School is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education.

What are the Factors that determine women's fertility?


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More fissures open up across island after Kilauea erupution


Hawaiians forced to flee repeated eruptions of the island's Kilauea volcano made a quick dash home to rescue pets and collect essentials on Sunday. Nearly 2,000 people who had been evacuated were given a 10-hour window to prepare for the possibility they may not return for quite some time. More lava fissures and vents have opened up but no new explosions have been reported. The southeast corner of the island was rocked by a powerful magnitude 6.9 earthquake on Friday, So far no deaths or... Читать дальше...

Baby Bat Enjoys Being Bottle Fed


Rescuers in Rochedale South, Queensland, started bottle feeding a tiny baby bat, whose mother has lost her milk. This cute video posted on May 6 shows the feeding session.Denise from volunteer group Batzilla the Bat said the mother did not have enough milk after it was trapped on a barbed wire fence. The baby would have a couple of bottle feeds a day but would be put back onto its mother’s nipple as “mother raised is always the best option for a wild animal”. Credit... Читать дальше...

Turnout down in Lebanese poll


Supporters of various Lebanese political parties were out celebrating as the polls closed on Sunday night in the country's first parliamentary election since 2009. Tehran-backed Hezbollah is seeking to increase its parliamentary representation. Sunni Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri is frontrunner to keep his job and form a new coalition government but his Future Movement was widely expected to lose seats. The first result of the poll was confirmation of the turnout put at 49.2 percent , that's... Читать дальше...

100 в 1. 42 выпуск 06.05.2018 ТЕТ


100 в 1. 42 серия 06.05.2018 последний выпуск. На проекте парни и девушки пережили ссоры, интриги, но благодаря этому научились сопереживать, иди на компромиссы, а главное

Улица 95 серия 07.05.2018 ТНТ


Сериал-фильм Улица 95 серия 07.05.2018. Рома и Энн неожиданно застряли в лифте. Самое время сблизиться, ведь другого выбора у ребят нет. Рома решил поднять настроение Ксении и для этого оборудовал ее коляску светодиодами. Но и это еще не все: парень с ветерком готов ее прокатить на коляске по району и доказать, что жизнь не такая уж и плохая. Сериал о школьниках и студентах, домохозяйках и продавцах, про богачей и простых рабочих, кто рано встает и торопится на работу, в школу или институт. Одна из главных фишек Улицы ... Читать дальше...

Концерт Елены Ваенги. Военные песни 07.05.2018 Первый канал


Концерт Елены Ваенги. Военные песни 07.05.2018 последний выпуск. На сцене в исполнении знаменитой певицы прозвучат легендарные песни военных лет: «Враги сожгли родную хату», «Темная ночь», «Журавли», «Бьется в тесной печурке огонь», «Вставай, страна огромная», «Ленинградки», «Десятый наш десантный батальон». Елена Ваенга: «Есть вечные ценности, с которыми никто не может спорить: семья, традиции, настоящие народные праздники. В войну в нашей стране погибло более 25 миллионов человек. Нет ни одной семьи, которую она бы обошла. Читать дальше...

Дом 2 5110 Остров любви выпуск 07.05.2018 ТНТ


Дом 2 Остров любви свежая серия 07.05.2018 ТНТ. 12 сильнейших команд на глазах у миллионов зрителей сражаются за приз в миллион долларов. На трибунах 6 тысяч болельщиков, судьи, тренеры и аналитики. Все, не отрываясь, смотрят на экран, где играют в

Путин назвал главную задачу будущего правительства

Блог сайта «ТВЦ» 

Владимир Путин поблагодарил действующий кабинет и лично Дмитрия Медведева, отметив значимые результаты, достигнутые при решении широкого круга проблем и вопросов, стоящих перед страной, сообщает "ТВ Центр".

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Don't Con Me Day


Meditation on Ephesians 5:6-7 from my book, "Solid Stepping Stones" a Daily Devotional Photos of the Mendenhall Glacier and Valley with the Fireweed in bloom!

Alarm system delay allows crash and smash break-in


SAN ANTONIO - Crash and smash break-ins are catching homeowners off guard and giving burglars hours to ransack homes. "We had been gone 11 hours on the road, opened the door and just saw this devastation," said a San Antonio homeowner who we'll refer to only as Maria

Best Golf Rangefinder


The Best Golf Rangefinder helps you to determine the distance to get that perfect result you want. for more info: https://golfrangefinderpro.com

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