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Новости за 10.05.2018

Ambulance operator told dying woman: 'Everyone dies one day'


A woman died in France after emergency services operators refused to take her plea for help seriously. Naomi Musenga, a 22-year-old , called an ambulance in Strasbourg, complaining of pain in her abdomen at the end of last year, according to recordings given to her family and released last week. Some hours later, after finally managing to get help after calling another medical helpline, she was dead in hospital. An autopsy showed she had suffered multiple organ failure. "I'm suffering pain everywhere... Читать дальше...

Lady Filming Shootout in Rio Gets Hit By Stray Bullet


A woman was hit by a stray bullet after getting caught in the crossfire while filming a shootout on her mobile phone. The horrific incident occurred in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, alongside a busy main road. Footage shows what appears to be a restaurant's forecourt, with a small car parked-up with its doors open. The woman is stood under a shelter as she gasps at the sounds of numerous bullets being fired.

Путин назвал удивительные качества Назарбаева

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Владимир Путин дал интервью телерадиокомплексу президента Казахстана. Отрывок из беседы был показан телеканалом "МИР24". В нём российский лидер ответил на вопрос о личных качествах своего коллеги, которые он считает наиболее важными. По словам Путина, Нурсултана Назарбаева как сильного руководителя в первую очередь отличает умение окружать себя эффективными людьми.

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Video shows freightened people in the occupied Golan Heights


People can be heard screaming as Syrian forces returned fire and answered the earlier Israeli aggression with severe rocket fire in the night to Thursday. Israel ordered their press not to report on casualties to hide their losses. {{file|t=stqJT_1525929455}}

Израильские войска нанесли удар по территории Сирии

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Израиль нанес ракетный удар по территории Сирии - разрушена радиолокационная станция и склад боеприпасов, передает агентство SANA. Силы противовоздушной обороны правительственных войск Сирии отразили большую часть атаки Израиля, однако некоторые снаряды достигли целей. Также сообщается об обстреле этого же района из израильских танков, передает "ТВ Центр".

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Australia's shark problem


western australian surfers rally for a solution to shark attacks.

Man Surprises Girlfriend by Proposing at Family Wedding


Guests at Amie’s wedding were in for a night of surprises and celebrations. During the reception, Amie’s brother proposed to his girlfriend who was described as having “no earthly idea” what was going to happen.Amie told Storyful that the idea was brought up one year prior to the wedding. It was not until two weeks beforehand that the idea was entertained again and preparations went underway. Credit: amieskyy via Storyful

Syrian forces attacked Israel with dozens of rockets in the night to Thursday


In response to recent Israeli attacks on Syrian soil more than 30 rockets hit positions in Northern Israel and the occupied Golan Heights which reportedly struck an Israeli Iron dome radar and more of their positions. Israeli retaliated and targeted an S-200 radar as well as an Ammo depot and other Iranian/Syrian targets in the country, according to Syrian sources.{{file|t=9Gn8D_1525928231}}{{file|t=9MY68_1525928236}}{{file|t=uMl8u_1525928248}}

Famous Rapper Cries Like Girl As He Gets Beat Up


Video recently surfaced of Chicago rapper Ayoo KD allegedly being beaten up by his homie Tattoo Shawty. Following the footage being released, Tattoo Shawty addressed the situation on Instagram, writing, "mad I got in that ass for diggin ur fingernail in my eye b**** n I Had You Crying Like A Lil B****." He went on to explain in a separate Instagram post that he initially fought Ayoo KD in the back of a car, where Tattoo Shawty claims the rapper scratched his eye and bit him. Still mad about the situation... Читать дальше...

Syria blames Israel for missile strike


Syria state media broadcast live as the country's air defences intercepted what it said were Israeli missiles near Damascus. late Wednesday night ( May 9) The scale of the rocket fire was far higher than in previous incidents according to residents in the Syrian capital who described seeing a series of explosions above the city. Local media reported that some of the missiles manged to target a number of defence positions including an ammunition depot. Israel claims to have launched rocket... Читать дальше...

This F*cks me off


These oily women are in heat but, I no can do this thing

Дайджест: микробы против мусора, космическая уборка и взрыв капель

Блог сайта «Настроение ТВ» 

Кажется, учёные наконец нашли способ избавить планету от мусора. Представьте, одна пластиковая бутылка в природе разлагается более 100 лет! Что уж говорить о целых мусорных полигонах и тоннах отходов на них…

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Eternal Retirement Plan Day - May 10


Meditation on Ephesians 5:15 from my book, "Solid Stepping Stones" a Daily Devotional Photos of the fireweed in bloom in the Mendenhall Valley in Juneau, Alaska!

Настои от варикоза

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Вены нужно укреплять,

Витаминами питать.

Варикозная болезнь – это патология вен, от которой страдает примерно треть населения нашей страны. Она возникает по многим причинам, в частности из-за нехватки рутина и витамина С, поддерживающих эластичность сосудистых стенок. Укрепить вены хорошо помогает настой листьев лещины. Для этого 2 столовых ложки сырья настаивают 2 часа в пол-литровом термосе, а затем принимают по половине стакана 4 раза в день за 20 минут до еды.

Учёные пришли к выводу... Читать дальше...

Мифы о фитнесе

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Опять проспали, и спорт откладывается на завтра? Стоп! То, что утренняя пробежка полезнее всего, – всего лишь миф и оправдание, которое придумали ленивые люди. Исследования показали: тренировка в конце дня даже эффективнее!

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