
Новости за 10.05.2018

Drunk Dude 

Very satisfying ending.

Hero passer-by rescues blind drowning dog from dirty canal 

This is the heart-warming moment a heroic passer-by plunged into a filthy canal to save a drowning blind dog. The stray pooch which had lost its eyesight slipped into the deadly water in Bangkok, Thailand - before the man on the pavement above dived in after it. Dozens of passengers and tourists on a ferry boat watched anxiously as the vehicle came within inches of colliding with the good samaritan. Onlookers threw him a rubber ring but he shunned the survival aid and passed the dog to safety... Читать дальше...

Израиль и Иран обменялись авиаударами. Михаил Крутихин о том, что будет с ценой на нефть и при чем тут Трамп

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

Израиль нанес удар по системе ПВО Сирии после того, как в ходе воздушного рейда был сбит израильский истребитель. Причем в израильских «Би-би-си» этот авиаудар называют самым мощным со времен войны в Ливане. Иран ответил атакой на Голанские высоты. Ситуация в регионе обострилась вскоре после того, как США вышли из ядерной сделки с Ираном. Лидеры европейских стран, так же как и Россия, поддержать решение Дональда Трампа отказались. Экономический аналитик и востоковед Михаил Крутихин объяснил, связан ли обмен авиаударами с решением Трампа. Читать дальше...

How Mistaken Are Online Commentators On Syria? 

The easiest way to totally blow apart the fake, bought and paid for Russian narrative on Syria is to recognize that Israel, Russia and China are working closely together on OBOR - One Belt One Road - project. Now called BRI - Belt and Road Initiative. {{embed|t=sfui1_1525946506}}

Fat Acceptance Movement in Full Swing 

These ladies are not well oil machines if you catch my drift. The movement is on the up and up. Take a look at two popular YT fat acceptance channels from this week.

Russian man plays the accordeon in Moscow, 9th of May 2018 

I didn't see much of the Parade, the crowds were just too massive..... But it was fantastic walking alongside Russians on this day, feel their pride for their country and history - and to see Russia is well protected by it's Armed Forces. This guy thought it would be fitting to play patriotic tunes on his accordeon.

Двушечка за историю. В России все чаще стали наказывать за высказывания на исторические темы

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

Россиян преследуют за высказывания на исторические темы — правозащитная группа «Агора» насчитала 100 таких фактов за последние годы. Речь об уголовных и административных делах, запрете книг и публикаций. Один из авторов доклада «Россия против Истории. Наказание за пересмотр» Дамир Гайнутдинов поделился подробностями. 

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Adorable Baby Clutches R2-D2 While Having a Snooze 

The force was strong on May the 4th for this young Star Wars fan.Little Gregor was undergoing a newborn baby photo shoot when uploader Mhari-Clare Green captured this adorable video of him clutching an R2-D2 toy in his sleep. Credit: Flutterby Newborn Photography via Storyful

Kilauea volcano eruption could spray rocks for kilometers 

A large explosion in Hawaii's Kilauea volcano on Wednesday may mark the beginning of more violent, explosive eruptions that could spray rocks for kilometers and dust nearby towns in volcanic ash and smog, the U.S. Geological Survey said. Kilauea, Hawaii's most active volcano, erupted on Thursday, and a powerful earthquake shook the crater the next day. Lava flows from fissures on its flank have destroyed at least 36 homes and other buildings, and caused the evacuation of some 2,000 residents. ... Читать дальше...

Found Soviet Anti-Tank Shells 

Found Soviet Anti-Tank Shells at Vogelsang, a abandoned soviet army camp north of Berlin. They were just laying there in a row. The fuse's were armed and primed. We think someone had found a underground bunker nearby and brought them up. We contacted the german police bomb division and gave them the coordinates.

Вести от 10.05.18


Вести в 11:00. Последний выпуск от 10.05.2018 Подпишитесь на канал Россия24: Последние новости России и мира, политика, экономика, бизнес, курсы валют, культура, технологии, спорт, интервью, специальные репортажи, происшествия и многое другое. Официальный YouTube канал ВГТРК. Россия 24 - это единственный российский информационный канал, вещающий 24 часа в сутки. Мировые новости и новости регионов России. Экономическая аналитика и интервью с влиятельнейшими персонами. Смотрите также: 60 минут... Читать дальше...

Babbling Uke Cornered by Globalist on Nat. Defense. 

10may "Defense from... EVERYBODY!" When asked about Lessons Learned from WW2 and today's Ukraine position in the world. This short video, while quite hilarious from the Russian point of view, is tremendously telling about the state of the Western World, Globalism, and the Zionist role in promoting self examination of Ukraine's many sins and Nazi crimes. Do you agree with the "probing," interviewer or with the hapless Ukrainian? - Thank you for your honest comment. -

Tim Cook (Apple) 

178. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 04/12 **#16** They Don't Exist: This A or A+ list CEO has been making the rounds of TV and other media in recent weeks, calling out his younger counterpart for questionable data practices. I don't know if it's ironic exactly, though it does sound funny coming from the head of a major company with a long and well known history of labor abuses in a certain very populous country. What's less well known is that our CEO was a driving force behind the offshoring of so much production. Читать дальше...

«В первую очередь речь идет не об усыновлении». В Госдуме разъяснили, как хотят расширить «закон Димы Яковлева»

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

Госдума возвращается к работе с новой резонансной инициативой расширить «закон Димы Яковлева». Представители всех четырех фракций предлагают распространить действие документа на страны, которые, как считают депутаты, вмешиваются в российские выборы. «Закон Димы Яковлева» запрещает гражданам США усыновлять детей из России.

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Incredible drone footage captures paddleboarder's encounter with whales 

This is the incredible moment drone footage captures a paddleboarder's close brush with a pod of whales in Australia. The video, captured in October 2017 near the Gold Coast, shows the group of whales, including what appears to be a calf, circling around the paddleboarder at close proximity. The filmer described the animals as "curious and gentle". +MUSIC IS ROYALTY FREE+

Brazilians protest housing crisis after deadly fire in squatted tower block 

Hundreds took to the streets of Sao Paulo to demand solutions for the housing crisis in the Brazilian capital. The footage, captured yesterday (May 9), shows people carrying signs reading 'Quem ocupa nao tem culpa' (those who occupy are not guilty) as they demonstrate in front of Sao Paulo's cathedral. The protest happened one week after a 24-storey building -occupied by 146 families- collapsed as a massive fire ripped through it. The fire shone a spotlight on the housing crisis in S~ao Paulo... Читать дальше...

Brussels Brief: Macron receives the Charlemagne prize 

What is the Charlemagne prize? Awarded by the city of Aachen, the first city in western Germany to be liberated during the Second World War, the prize honours work performed in the service of the European community. It has been handed out every year since 1950. It is named after the emperor Charlemagne, ruler of the Franks, who united large parts of France, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium. He was buried at Aachen. Who has won it before? The list is long but includes: Current European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker... Читать дальше...

US orders Merkel to stop German firms working in Iran 

The new Trump-appointed ambassador, Richard Grenell, to Germany ordered German firms to leave Iran immediately or be subjected to sanctions also. Top German officials shot back by lecturing him that guest diplomat do not dictate to the host country, implying he could be send packing if he continues to misbehave.

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