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Новости за 07.08.2023

Here's how Biden's "on-ramp" for student loan repayments can help borrowers


Student loan repayments are set to resume in October when a pandemic-era relief program comes to an end, but nearly half of borrowers say they are not financially prepared to restart payments, according to a survey by U.S. News. With that in mind, the Biden administration is easing repayment requirements for many borrowers. CBS MoneyWatch associate managing editor Aimee Picchi has more.

More schools switching to 4-day week


Many kids around the country will have a different schedule when they head back to school this fall, with a growing number of school districts switching to a four-day week. CBS News' Bradley Blackburn explains it's an approach some districts are taking in response to the nationwide teacher shortage.

FDA approves pill to treat postpartum depression


For the first time, the FDA has approved a pill for women dealing with postpartum depression that's expected to be available after a 90-day review. Clinical trial data shows the drug, called zuranolone, eases depression in a few days, faster than other antidepressants. CBS News medical contributor Dr. Celine Gounder explains how it works, what the side effects could be and more.

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