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Новости за 06.04.2023

Will This Be the Year Pa Raises the Minimum Wage?


Unlike each of its neighboring states, PA still aligns with the federal $7.25 an hour minimum wage, which was last increased in 2009. Pushing for a higher minimum wage in has been a top priority for many, especially Democrats, over the past 14 years.

Erie County Rolls Out Rural Revival Plan


Erie County along with the Erie County Conservation District are putting $3.3 million forward to help farmers and agricultural businesses.

Gov. Shapiro Highlights Fire and EMS Funding


Today, Governor Josh Shapiro discussed his recent budget proposals for fire and emergency medical services at Lancaster Fire Department Station 3.

Franklin, PA Mourns Beloved Community Event Coordinator


Franklin, PA is mourning Ronnie Beith, the town's event coordinator responsible for many of the community's events over the decades. Beith's impact on the community is clear, as one building hung up letters in the window, spelling out "WE ?? YOU RONNIE."

Franklin, Pa. Remembers Ronnie Beith


The Community of Franklin is mourning the loss of Ronnie Beith, a beloved community member who was heavily involved in local events for decades.

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