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Новости за 26.04.2023

Understanding Workplace Cyber Security


Online safety has become a growing concern as technology advances. As artificial intelligence and other technologies become more widely available, what can employees do to protect themselves and their employer?

Residents Seek Help for Fire and EMS Crisis


Erie County Council voted to pass a motion to move $1 million dollars from the Gaming Fund Budget for a continuation of a Fire and EMS Transformational Grant Program.

Scallywags Pirate Ship Damaged By Piling


The Scallywags Pirate Adventure ship ran into a piling at the end of a pier in the marina off of Dobbins Landing, badly damaging its hull.

Fight Simulators, Solution to Pilot Shortage?


While those clear sunny skies may not be here quite yet, for local pilots in training, it won't matter what the weather is like thanks to an investment into a flight simulator at a local pilot school.

Accuride Erie Plans Fix for Noise Issue


The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection was on site checking on emission levels after a couple of clean air violations.

Effects of Teacher Shortage in Erie


A shortage of teachers is affecting schools across the nation, and it's starting to be felt at local schools as well.

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