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Новости за 02.08.2023

Planning Ahead for 2024 Solar Eclipse


We are about 8 months away from the total solar eclipse, and people are already buying the special glasses we'll need to watch it.

Wabtec Contract Talks to Resume Wednesday


We are now in the fifth week of picketing by some 1,400 members of the United Electrical Workers Union, even with a federal mediator involved in the negotiating process.

Local Celebrations of National Night Out


Many local neighborhoods in the area held celebrations for National Night Out, a time to get together with the community and interact with local law enforcement.

Former President Trump Indicted Days After Visiting Erie


Former President Trump is being charged with four crimes, conspiracy to defraud the united states, obstructing an official proceeding and conspiring to do so and also conspiracy against rights. Dr. Jeff Bloodworth breaks down the charges.

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