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Новости за 25.08.2023

Legislation could bring new wind turbines to Lake Erie


In the most recent legislative session in Albany, some New York State lawmakers introduced legislation to establish a wind turbine pilot program in the Great Lakes intending to progress the state's climate goals.

New Year, New Additions: Fairview School District


A new school year begins with so many new things like school supplies, books, classmates, and teachers. In the Fairview School District, new improvements bring even more excitement this year.

Sister Mary Rachael Turns 105!


She joined the Sisters of St. Joseph in 1940. From there, she went on to have a successful 55-year teaching career in the region's diocesan schools.

From Surgeries, To A Starter: Andrew Bowers & His Journey


Fairview long snapper Andrew Bowers was born with no fingers on his left hand, leaving him - and his family - unsure of what life would look like. The junior shares how he went from the surgery room to a starter on the football field.

Litter Control Booms in Presque Isle Bay


Keeping litter out of Lake Erie, it's a big task. The organization Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful and other groups several have been teaming up over the past few months for the installation and maintenance of what's called Litter Control Booms.

My Work Program Wraps Up


The City of Erie is calling its summer employment program a big success.

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