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Новости за 08.04.2023

Deflation Is The Future


Most of the panic from the mid-March bank runs seems to have dissipated. Most of the real fallout lies ahead as banks move into restructure mode which will only serve to deepen the Recession.

Why You Need Accountability From Aging Parents’ Home Care Workers


Home care agencies may have no record for specific daily services provided to elders by their workers. They bill for the workers' hours without daily notes of what is done or not done. Elders and families need accountability in return for the high cost of home care. Know your options for getting it.

Two Miami Private Jet-Sharing Start-Ups Are Delayed For Takeoff


Two private jet-sharing start-ups want to help you avoid crowded airports. Both are still on the taxiway. Their founders join a long list of billionaires and entrepreneurs, including Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Howard Hughes and Richard Branson who have found being an "aeroholic" is not easy.

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